[SEMCO] National Marine Life Center SEMCO submission

Geneva Mommsen gmommsen at nmlc.org
Fri Dec 6 16:42:18 EST 2019

Good afternoon,

I would like to submit the following for inclusion in the SEMCO mailing




National Marine Life Center has Upcoming Events!


1)      Comedy Night

National Marine Life Center is hosting its first ever Comedy Night in order
to help cover the cost of care for sea turtles. Just last month National
Marine Life Center became the second facility in Massachusetts to provide
triage care for cold-stunned sea turtles, previously New England Aquarium's
Animal Care Center in Quincy, MA was the only site to which sea turtles
could be taken to for the critical care. The "Saving Sea Turtles with
Laughter" event is happening soon, December 13th at 8pm! You're invited to
come and enjoy three different comedians, fabulous prizes to be won, table
snacks, and a cash bar. All proceeds go directly into helping National
Marine Life Center care for the endangered sea turtles before they are
released back to the wild. To learn more and purchase your tickets please
-marine-life-center-fundraiser/550. Sponsorships for the event are also
available! Comedians attending: AJ Hapenny, Mike Koutrobis, and Tom Stewart!

2)      Holiday Splash: Breakfast with Santa

Have you ever wanted to take a tour of the National Marine Life Center's
Marine Animal Hospital? Well now is your chance during their annual Holiday
Splash event! Join Santa and Mrs. Claus for a continental breakfast with
lots of treats from 9am - 11am on December 14th. Create unique holiday
crafts, shop the marine themed gift shop, peak in on patients in the Marine
Animal Hospital (quietly of course) on tours, and much more when you visit.
$5 admission charge and FREE for NMLC member! All proceeds help cover the
cost of care for the seals and sea turtles receiving care at National Marine
Life Center. 

3)      Volunteer Orientation

National Marine Life Center is looking for volunteers! There are
opportunities to become involved in multiple areas. Our small but growing
organization is very dependent on the wonderful work and dedication of our
volunteers. To begin your journey of volunteering with National Marine Life
Center, fill out an application online or in person during any of our
events, including Volunteer Orientation! All potential volunteers are
expected to attend a volunteer orientation in order to learn more about the
organization and opportunities we have for volunteers.  The next scheduled
orientations are listed below for your convenience. There is a $25 charge
for the volunteer orientation/training program in which we provide a
substantive overview of our work and a behind the scenes tour.  To learn
more about volunteering, fill out an online application, and pay the
orientation/training fee there as well:

Sunday December 8th 1pm-3pm

Saturday January 11th 10am-12noon

Monday January 27th 6pm-8pm

Monday February 24th 6pm-8pm

Saturday March 21st 10am-12noon

We can't wait to get to know our future volunteers! Please contact Geneva
Mommsen, our Education & Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions.
gmommsen at nmlc.org <mailto:gmommsen at nmlc.org>  or 508-743-9888 


Flyers for Holiday Splash and Comedy Night are attached



National Marine Life Center is an independent, non-profit marine animal
hospital, science, and education center. It is the mission of the National
Marine Life Center to rehabilitate and release stranded marine mammals and
sea turtles in order to advance science and education in marine wildlife
health and conservation. 

To learn more please visit http://nmlc.org/


The National Marine Life Center

P.O. Box 269, 120 Main Street
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532-0269
508-743-9888 | nmlc at nmlc.org <mailto:nmlc at nmlc.org>  "



Many thanks in advance for considering this information to be included in
the next SEMCO mailing list email. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions, comments,
or concerns.


Geneva Mommsen

Education Coordinator 

National Marine Life Center

gmommsen at nmlc.org <mailto:gmommsen at nmlc.org> 

508-743-9888 x302



Shop with Amazon? 

Try Amazon Smile!

National Marine Life Center at


A portion (.5%) of the price

for eligible products is donated

to a charity of your choice. 




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