[SEMCO] [Fwd: [Fwd: MCC Announces Opportunity for Organizations: WBUR's New
Online Events Calendar]]
Online Events Calendar]]
Melissa Lowe
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:18:32 -0500
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Melissa Lowe
Education Coordinator
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
P.O. Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663
508-349-2615 (phone) 508-349-2632 (fax)
Please visit our website at www.wellfleetbay.org
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Massachusetts Audubon Society's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
P.O. Box 236, 291 State Highway
South Wellfleet, MA 02663
Phone: 508-349-2615
FAX: 508-349-2632
E-mail: dreynolds@wellfleetbay.org
Web Site: http://www.wellfleetbay.org
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From: "Wielt, Monica" <Monica.Wielt@art.state.ma.us>
To: "Wielt, Monica" <Monica.Wielt@art.state.ma.us>
Subject: MCC Announces Opportunity for Organizations: WBUR's New Online Ev
ents Calendar
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The Massachusetts Cultural Council has begun a collaboration with NPR affiliate WBUR, which is developing one of the state's most comprehensive, Internet-based event calendars.
What makes this project exciting is that any cultural organization in Massachusetts can log on and enter performances, readings, exhibits, lectures, etc. Similarly, anyone with an Internet connection and a desire to "get culture" can log on to www.wbur.org <http://www.wbur.org> and search by region, by date or by type of activity, to find arts and culture activities in their neighborhood and across the state. WBUR.org recently was ranked as one of the top 10 most-visited web sites in the country and the station plans to promote the calendar and its arts and culture page twice a day on the air.
We are now in the testing and preliminary launch phase for the project and are seeking organizations across the state to pre-populate the site with information and events. You can log on directly to the Cultural Calendar by clicking on this URL: http://events.publicbroadcasting.net/wbur/events.eventsmain <http://events.publicbroadcasting.net/wbur/events.eventsmain> or by pasting it into your web browser. Click on "Submit Event" and enter away! The site is planned for a public launch in February, so put as much as you can into the site, dated from late February forward.
We'd also like your feedback on any aspect of the calendar. The site will develop over the next few months.
MCC will actively promote the site as one of several such sources across the state for people to find out what's going on. We will link to WBUR and other listings sites from our own web site.
WBUR will demo the site live for attendees at the MCC Organizational Support Information sessions across the state this month (dates of those sessions are available at www.massculturalcouncil.org/news/events/osinfo.html <http://www.massculturalcouncil.org/news/events/osinfo.html> ).
This effort is in direct response to the type of support that cultural leaders across the state asked for at the MCC's Oct. 25 convening. We looking forward to announcing more exciting collaborations and projects over the next several months to help promote the wonderful cultural treasures in the Commonwealth.
Please reply to this e-mail or contact Communications Director John Michael Kennedy at 800-232-0960 or 617-727-3668 x343 if you have any questions, any suggestions on the site and any thoughts about this collaboration.