[SEMCO] [Fwd: COAST:PILOT Leadership Institute]

Tracey Crago tcrago@whoi.edu
Wed, 16 May 2001 13:16:22 -0400

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Please distribute to educators as you see fit.
Tracey Crago, WHOI Sea Grant

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Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 13:05:09 -0400
To: tcrago@whoi.edu, crawford@uconnvm.uconn.edu, tmaed@aol.com,
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From: Sharon Meeker <sharon.meeker@unh.edu>
Subject: COAST:PILOT Leadership Institute 


Please help me publicize this among teachers with whom you might be working.
This is a great opportunity for staff development for teachers in our
Northeast region.  You should have already gotten a message about this from
me or Bob Kent, but in case lyou havent, please put the following message
out ASAP.
Thanks, in advance.  (This is really a wonderful program -- participants
have been very enthusiastic about it in the past). If you know some teacher
personally, please talk this up.  I have some brochures that I am sending

Sharon Walker at Mississippi SeaGrant is  sponsoring a Leadership Institute
under the auspices of COAST:Pilot (Consortium for Oceanographic Activities
for Students and Teachers: Putting Interactive Learning On Target) which is
a teacher training program in marine sciences and computer technology.This
particular program is funded mainly by the Office of Naval Research.
Participants have a week of intensive computer training with up to date
software, learning techniques that they can use in the classroom such as
power point.  The rest of the 14 days is devoted to oceanography and
coastal processes.

This is FREE! Here is what is provided:

	Full tuition
	Room and board
	Travel allotment
	$300 Stipend
	3 semester credits
	resource materials (totaling hundred of dollars and including

We need teacher teams -- elementary, middle and high school teachers
from one district.

The program starts June 24 and ends July 12, 2001. so applications must be
arranged really quickly.

For more information, please visit the following web site:

	COAST:PILOT: www.aquarium.usm.edu/coast.htm or
