[SEMCO] Monday, 8/24, 6:30-8 pm - "Women in STEM" moderated panel discussion

Grace Simpkins gsimpkins at whoi.edu
Thu Aug 20 15:38:56 EDT 2020

Hi All,

We would like to invite you to join us for a "Women in STEM" moderated
panel discussion
<https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6887591933938166285> on Monday,
August 24th from 6:30-8 pm aimed at high school students.  Each speaker
will share the journey they took to reach their current career as well as
share challenges and highlights along the way.  Students will hear from and
be able to ask questions of:

Laela Sayigh <https://www.whoi.edu/profile/lsayigh/>, Marine Mammal
Acoustic Research Specialist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
(WHOI).  Laela's research focusses on the social behavior and communication
of cetaceans (whales and dolphins).

Kerry Strom <https://www.whoi.edu/profile/kstrom/>, Marine Operations
Coordinator at WHOI.  Kerry is the schedule planner for R/V Atlantis,
Armstrong, HOV Alvin, ROV Jason & AUV Sentry and soon to be R/V
Resolution.  Kerry is also WHOI’s US State Dept. liaison for marine
scientific research applications.

Sarai Zelada, Urban and Regional Planning Master's Student at the
University of Michigan and former Earthwatch Program Coordinator for the
Girls in Science Program.  As an urban planner, Sarai focusses on how to
use city planning as a tool for social change.

Jennie Rheuban <https://directory.whoi.edu/profile/jrheuban/>, Marine
Chemistry and Geochemistry Research Specialist at WHOI.  Jennie focuses on
the effects of climate change on coastal environments.  She is also the
Research Coordinator at Woods Hole Sea Grant.

Register here

The webinar will take place on GoToWebinar.  Attendees will be muted and
only the panelists will be seen on the screen.  We will have a
chat/question box set up so that you can ask questions of the panelists
through the moderator.

We encourage you to send us any questions you have ahead of time so we can
share them with the speakers.  Please send your questions to Grace
Simpkins, gsimpkins at whoi.edu  Please share the registration with anyone you
feel would be interested in the panel discussion.  All are welcome!

We will also be sharing information about the upcoming 2021 "Girls in
Science" residential program in Woods Hole for rising high school sophomore
and juniors.
"See" you there!


Grace Simpkins
Woods Hole Sea Grant Education Coordinator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Road MS #2
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Office: (508) 289-3639
Mobile:  (240) 644-7751
CRL 213
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