[SEMCO] 2019 Assessment of DOSITS Resources for the International Decision-Making Community

Holly Morin holly_morin at uri.edu
Wed Jul 3 15:46:44 EDT 2019

**apologies for cross-postings**

The Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS; www.dosits.org <http://www.dosits.org/>) project provides accurate scientific information related to underwater sound for all audiences, including regulators and decision-makers. In addition to a comprehensive website on underwater sound, DOSITS products include interactive webinars (archived to the DOSITS website); interactive eBooks; instructional videos; fact sheets; and structured, online tutorials. All of these resources contain links to the peer-reviewed content on the DOSITS website. Resources have been developed in response to previous DOSITS Needs Assessments and with the guidance of the DOSITS Scientific Advisory Panel.
To identify high need topics and formats for future resource development, a brief survey  <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MNFRJB8>has been created. The DOSITS Team would like to gather as many responses as possible so that the needs of the U.S. and international community are fully understood. Your responses will directly influence and help focus DOSITS’ continuing development efforts.

All members of international decision-making community (government employees, federal and state contractors, NGO employees, and industry representatives that deal with underwater sound and/or marine animals) are encouraged to complete this survey. The survey should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. It is anonymous and no personal data will be collected.

To complete the 2019 DOSITS Needs Assessment for the International Decision-Making Community, please follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MNFRJB8 <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MNFRJB8> 

This survey is being conducted by the DOSITS Team at the University of Rhode Island. If you have questions please contact Christopher Knowlton, cknowlton at uri.edu <mailto:cknowlton at uri.edu>. 

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