[SEMCO] National Sea Grant American Lobster Research Program Webinar 2/14 at 2 PM ET

samurphy at whoi.edu samurphy at whoi.edu
Mon Feb 11 12:18:49 EST 2019

The National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) issued a competitive announcement  
for research proposals on January 31st titled, The National Sea Grant  
American Lobster Research Program, which can be found on grants.gov.

The NSGO will host a webinar providing an overview of this funding  
opportunity and its application process on  February 14, 2019 from  
2:00-3:00 PM ET. The webinar will include a presentation and provide  
an opportunity to ask questions that you may have about applying to  
the announcement. Please distribute this webinar announcement widely  
to your relevant colleagues and networks.

The webinar will take place on February 14, 2019 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET.  
  Please register and/or join at the link provided below:  

Webinar accessibility: If you would like a plain text version of the  
presentation sent to you ahead of time, or would like the NSGO to  
provide live captioning of this event or require any other special  
assistance to participate in this webinar, please email  
brooke.carney at noaa.gov at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled start  
time of the webinar.  For more information on Section 508 of the  
Americans with Disabilities Act, please visit www.ada.gov.

Research topics suitable for study on American lobster under The  
National Sea Grant American Lobster Research Program should have a  
geographic focus of the Gulf of Maine and/or Georges Bank and address  
one or more of the following:

(1) Increased understanding of life history parameters, including but  
not limited to, migration,
growth, and maturity;
(2) Larval studies and early biology;
(3) Spatial distribution; and
(4) Socio-economic lessons learned from Southern New England as they  
pertain to Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine.

For each research topic above, special emphasis may be placed on the  
impact of warming temperatures.

Pending appropriation of funds, Sea Grant anticipates awarding between  
5-10 research projects totaling between $1 million and $2 million in  
FY2019. Projects must have a maximum duration of two years.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing  
information about joining the webinar.  If you have any questions or  
concerns, please contact Alison Krepp (Alison.Krepp at noaa.gov).

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