[SEMCO] Habitat protection / restoration / mitigation job at MA DFG
news at swcssnec.org
news at swcssnec.org
Fri Jun 30 11:13:40 EDT 2017
| Save the Date: Friday 11 August 2017
| SWCS Southern New England Chapter 2017 Summer Meeting
| Tour of Mill River [Taunton, MA] Dam Removal Sites
| led by Beth Lambert, MassDER Aquatic Habitat Restoration Program
| information: swcssnec.org/2017summer | Questions: info at swcssnec.org
| Registration will begin next week. Hope to see you there!
| Christine Odiaga | Executive Director | SWCS Southern New England
| info at swcssnec.org | (774) 207-7526 | www.swcssnec.org
| Job Posting: Jun 26, 2017, 6:07:00 PM
| Job Announcement
| Department of Fish and Game - In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program Administrator
| MassCareers Job Number 170003IV
| The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) is accepting applications for
their new In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program Administrator position. The ILF
Program Administrator will be responsible for developing a comprehensive
framework for ILF Program planning and implementation including:
identification, prioritization, selection, review, and approval of
proposed mitigation projects; monitoring and tracking implementation,
performance, and completion of approved mitigation projects; and
managing all financial, accounting, budgeting, and reporting activities
and requirements related to DFG’s administration of the ILF Program
consistent with Department policies and the ILF Program Instrument. The
ILF Program Administrator is a position within the Office of the
Commissioner but will also work collaboratively and in partnership with
staff from the Division of Ecological Restoration, Division of Marine
Fisheries, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, and the agency’s Land
Protection Program.
| For additional information and details about the ILF Program
Administrator position, and to apply, please visit the MassCareers Job
Opportunities website and search for Job Number 170003IV or click on
| The job is open until filled. However, applicants within the first
two weeks typically receive preference.
| For additional information about DFG’s In-Lieu Fee Program click
| Questions? Please contact Christy Edwards at
christy.edwards at state.ma.us or 617-626-1518 |
| Beth Lambert
| Aquatic Habitat Restoration Program Manager
| ______________________________
| Division of Ecological Restoration
| MA Department of Fish and Game
| 251 Causeway St., Suite 400
| Boston, MA 02114
| 617-626-1526 (phone)
| 617-626-1505 (fax)
| Check out our website:
| http://www.mass.gov/der
| Follow us on Twitter:
| twitter.com/MassEcoRestore
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