[SEMCO] VIPS Seeking Volunteers for “Math in the Real World” Program at Lawrence School

Jeffrey M. Brodeur jbrodeur at whoi.edu
Mon May 20 11:22:49 EDT 2013

VIPS Seeking Volunteers for “Math in the Real World” Program at Lawrence School
The Falmouth Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) Program is seeking volunteers for a one-day program scheduled for Lawrence School 8th grade math classes, designed to give students a first-hand account of how math concepts can be applied to many professions, hobbies, and everyday tasks. VIPS is interested in having volunteers speak to students during math classes on Thursday, May 30th about ways they apply math concepts on a regular basis. VIPS is seeking volunteers from traditionally math-heavy professions—such as science, accounting, engineering, architecture, and construction—to less traditional vocations that employ math concepts—such as baking, painting, sewing, interior design, to give students a better appreciation for the value of math, problem-solving, and computation skills.
The idea for the “Math in the Real World” program came from a discussion with Lawrence School math teachers who often hear students question why they have to take math when they’ll “never need it after they get out of school.” Utilizing the experiences and interests of community volunteers will drive the program. Carrie Fitzpatrick, math department head for grades 7-12, considers the program “a great opportunity for students at the Lawrence School to make connections between what they learn in their math class, and how what they learn is applied in the real world.”
Not surprisingly, students who see schoolwork as important become engaged in school. A recent Gallup poll of student engagement found that students feel less engaged in school as they advance through the grade levels. To address this trend, a number of community solutions designed to “promote the best in youth” were proposed to challenge parents, teachers and counselors, school administrators, and business and community members. Among them, demonstrating the relevancy of schoolwork was cited as an important charge to schools. The “Math in the Real World” program seeks to do just that:  to show students that what they are learning in math class is linked to their futures.
Volunteers who would like to sign up for a shift on Thursday, May 30th should contact the VIPS office at (508) 548-1621, or email vips at falmouth.k12.ma.us. Ideally, volunteers will spend a half-day or full-day shift at the school. All 8th grade math classes will have a chance to hear from community members through the “Math in the Real World” program on May 30th. Classes begin at 8:20 a.m. and run until 2:45 p.m. Scheduling will be based upon volunteer availability.

Tracey I. Crago, Director
Falmouth Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS)
874 Gifford St.
Falmouth, MA 02540
(508) 548-1621
VIPS is celebrating 30 years of School & Community Partnerships

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