[SEMCO] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NPR's Kelly McEvers Public Listening Events on Cape Cod

Sydney Lewis syddo at mindspring.com
Tue Aug 20 14:10:41 EDT 2013


NPR’s Kelly McEvers Public Listening Events on Cape Cod

								Sunday, August 25th, 7:30pm                              Monday, August 26th, 7:30pm

								Woods Hole Community Hall                                Wellfleet Preservation Hall


~ FREE. Limited Seating~

Atlantic Public Media presents the radio documentary Diary of a Bad Year: A War Correspondent's Dilemma, produced by NPR's Middle East Correspondent Kelly McEvers, with Jay Allison for Transom.org.  Following the presentation will be a Q&A with Kelly and Jay.

In early 2011, NPR's Kelly McEvers, reporting from the turbulent Middle East, started to cry unpredictably. Colleagues and friends were being kidnapped. Some were getting killed.  

The following year, as she reported in dangerous places like Bahrain, Yemen, and Syria, she braved gunfire, explosions, and tear gas, recording diaries the whole time.

In collaboration with Jay Allison, McEvers turned her reporting skills on her own life, producing an unprecedented and intimate portrait of the sacrifices reporters and their families make to tell untold stories.

The documentary was created with the help of funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and co-distributed by NPR.

This event is sponsored by Atlantic Public Media, Inc. In addition to founding WCAI, APM created the Peabody Award-winning website Transom.org, a showcase and workshop for new public media, produces the Transom Radio Specials, and runs the Transom Story Workshop.  APM produces The Moth Radio Hour (also a Peabody winner) and created the popular NPR series, This I Believe, and many other national projects.  

For more information: www.transom.org and www.atlantic.org; CONTACT INFO:  508-548-5527 (ext 0); info at transom.org

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