[SEMCO] September 2011 CZ-Mail

CZ-Mail (ENV) cz-mail at state.ma.us
Mon Sep 12 16:18:21 EDT 2011


September 2011

Welcome to CZ-Mail, the monthly electronic newsletter from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Each issue provides information on major CZM initiatives, available tools and publications, upcoming workshops and events, grants, contracting opportunities, job openings, coastal legislation, and other news of interest to people working on coastal issues. Additional information about CZM's programs, publications, and other coastal topics can be found on the CZM website<http://www.mass.gov/czm/>. To subscribe to CZ-Mail, send a blank email to join-env-cz-mail at listserv.state.ma.us<mailto:join-env-cz-mail at listserv.state.ma.us>. Also, please feel free to share CZ-Mail with colleagues and friends-and if you have any suggestions for future editions, or would like make a change to your CZ-Mail subscription, please email your request to CZ-Mail at state.ma.us<mailto:CZ-Mail at state.ma.us?subject=September%202011%20CZ-Mail>.

Storm Team Activated for the Tropical Storm Irene

At the request of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), CZM activated the Rapid Response Coastal Storm Damage Assessment Team (Storm Team) to assess coastal storm damage from Tropical Storm Irene. Thirty-five members of the Storm Team mobilized at first light on August 29 to assess the level of damage to natural resources, harbors, infrastructure, and buildings along the immediate coastline of Massachusetts. Using StormReporter, an innovative web tool, damage reports were provided to MEMA, the National Weather Service (NWS), and other agencies to inform decisions regarding the deployment of state and federal resources and NWS advisories regarding the storm. CZM developed StormReporter in partnership with NWS and the national StormSmart Coasts Network<http://stormsmartcoasts.org/> to standardize data collection and make StormReporter operational for the Storm Team, as well as local beach teams and citizens interested in reporting coastal storm damages in their communities. After the storm, CZM's Joe Pelczarski, who serves as the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) representative to MEMA, received more than 165 reports regarding damage observed at specific locations. For emergency events, Joe coordinates EEA's communications and response activities from the MEMA Emergency Operations Center in Framingham (aka "the Bunker"). Storm Team members observed extensive damage to trees, resulting in branches and whole trees falling on power lines, roads, and some buildings. Most areas of the coast received some minor erosion of beaches and dunes, while a few areas had more dramatic erosion and shifting of beaches, dunes, barrier beaches, and inlets. The damage to roads ranged from widespread overwash of sand, gravel, and seaweed on streets directly adjacent to the shore, to undermining of a seawall adjacent to a road and major damage to a paved road in Westport. Minor damage to a few piers and other infrastructure in two harbors was observed and numerous boats came off moorings and were pushed ashore. Three inlet channels to salt ponds were completely blocked by sand and cobble deposits in Falmouth and Dartmouth. To keep track of the rest of the season's hurricanes, see CZM's Complete Guide to Online Hurricane Tracking for Massachusetts<http://www.mass.gov/czm/tips/hurricane_track.htm>.

CZM to Survey the Seafloor aboard the Bold

As reported in the July CZ-Mail<http://www.mass.gov/czm/czmail/2011/jul2011.htm>, from September 9-16, CZM staff will conduct an eight-day oceanographic survey aboard the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Ocean Survey Vessel Bold<http://www.epa.gov/bold/>-collecting samples of seafloor sediments and organisms and taking underwater videos and still photos of the seafloor and its marine life. The cruise will take place on the coastal waters of Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, south of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, and southern Cape Cod Bay. The results will assist with the ground truthing of seafloor habitat maps created by CZM using a combination of surficial geology, bathymetry, and backscatter data, continuing the work that began during CZM's June 2010 research cruise aboard the Bold. The survey also supports the efforts of the larger seafloor mapping partnership<http://www.mass.gov/czm/seafloor/index.htm> between CZM and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) across all Massachusetts marine waters and CZM's other seafloor habitat mapping efforts. The updated habitat maps will help CZM refine the resource maps used in the 2009 Massachusetts Management Ocean Plan<http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=eoeeatopic&L=3&L0=Home&L1=Ocean+%26+Coastal+Management&L2=Massachusetts+Ocean+Plan&sid=Eoeea> and will assist CZM and other agencies in their siting and permitting of ocean uses. At the conclusion of this voyage, CZM will report trip details on the Commonwealth's The Great Outdoors Blog<http://environment.blog.state.ma.us/blog/>.


COASTSWEEP, the statewide beach cleanup sponsored by CZM and organized by the Urban Harbors Institute (UHI) at UMass Boston, celebrates its 24th year this September. Each year, volunteers throughout Massachusetts turn out in large numbers to collect marine debris and record their findings for the COASTSWEEP event, which is part of a larger international campaign organized by The Ocean Conservancy in Washington, DC. The information recorded by participants all over the world is then used to identify sources of debris and to develop initiatives to help reduce the problem. Cleanups will be scheduled throughout September and October. To get involved, see the COASTSWEEP website<http://www.coastsweep.umb.edu/> or check out COASTSWEEP on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Coastsweep-2010/128441707185891>.

CZ-Tip - Back to School? Bring the Beach with You!

Here in the Bay State, we have tremendous opportunities to bring the ocean into the classroom. From field trips to the Boston Harbor Islands, to in-class speakers from wildlife centers and sanctuaries, to coastal and ocean curricula developed specifically for Massachusetts-there are many educational options to choose from. In addition, excellent websites, publications, videos, and resource centers exist to support these educational efforts. Teacher training and newsletters/listservs are also available to help teachers find their inner Jacques Cousteau. For more on how you can make this a year of the ocean for your students, see CZM's new Massachusetts Coastal and Ocean Education Guide for K-12 Teachers<http://www.mass.gov/czm/oceanmanagement/education/guide/>.

Grants/Funding/Proposal Opportunities

Coastal Pollutant Remediation Grant Program - CZM is seeking proposals for the Coastal Pollutant Remediation (CPR) grant program<http://www.mass.gov/czm/cprgp.htm>. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2012, the CPR program will provide up to $400,000 to municipalities located in the Massachusetts Coastal Watershed<http://www.mass.gov/czm/twnscws.htm> to assess and remediate stormwater pollution from paved and unpaved surfaces and to design, install, or upgrade boat pumpout facilities. As much as $125,000 may be requested, and a 25 percent match of the total project cost is required. To view the Request for Responses (RFR), visit the Comm-PASS website<https://www.ebidsourcing.com/displayPublicSearchAdvancedSolCriteriaEdit.do?doValidateToken=false&menu_id=2.3.3&org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN=8613bb8397736fa637836927ad13dd59> and search for solicitation number "ENV 12 CZM 02." Proposals are due by October 13.

Mass Bays Research and Planning Grants - The Massachusetts Bays Program (MBP) is seeking proposals for the FY 2012 Research and Planning Grant Program. Up to $125,000 is available for estuarine protection and restoration initiatives located within the 50 coastal communities in the MBP planning area<http://www.mass.gov/envir/massbays/map.htm>. Eligible projects include applied research, planning, or capacity building initiatives that assist MBP in implementing priority action items identified in its 2009-2012 Strategic Plan. These include protecting and enhancing coastal habitat, reducing and preventing stormwater pollution, protecting and enhancing shellfish resources, managing local land use and growth, managing municipal wastewater, managing marine invasive species, monitoring marine and estuarine waters, and adapting for projected impacts of climate changes. Eligible applicants include cities, towns, and other public entities, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations. Up to $25,000 may be requested and a 25 percent match (cash or in-kind) of the total project cost is required. From September 21-29, MBP will host five information sessions to provide applicants an opportunity to ask questions. MBP encourages all potential applicants to attend one of these sessions. For more information and to view the RFR, see the Comm-PASS website<https://www.ebidsourcing.com/displayPublicSearchAdvancedSolCriteriaEdit.do?doValidateToken=false&menu_id=2.3.3&org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN=8613bb8397736fa637836927ad13dd59> and search for document number "ENV 12 CZM 03." Applications are due by October 21 and all projects must be completed by December 31, 2012.

Environmental Trust Grants - The Massachusetts Environmental Trust is seeking proposals for its FY 2013 General Grants<http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=eoeeaterminal&L=4&L0=Home&L1=Grants+%26+Technical+Assistance&L2=Grant+%26+Loan+Programs&L3=Massachusetts+Environmental+Trust+(MET)&sid=Eoeea&b=terminalcontent&f=eea_met_met_grant_programs&csid=Eoeea>, which provide funding to support programs, research, and other activities that promote the responsible stewardship of the Commonwealth's water resources. Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations, schools, institutions for higher education, and cities and towns. To view the RFR, see the Comm-PASS website<https://www.ebidsourcing.com/displayPublicSearchAdvancedSolCriteriaEdit.do?doValidateToken=false&menu_id=2.3.3&org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN=8613bb8397736fa637836927ad13dd59> and search for document number "EEA 12 MET 01." Letters of Inquiry are due by October 14.

Landscape Partnership Program - EEA is seeking applications for a new grant opportunity-the Landscape Partnership Program, which will offer competitive grants to municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and EEA agencies to help fund partnership projects that permanently protect a minimum of 500 acres of land. The goals of this new program are to preserve large, unfragmented, high-value, conservation landscapes, including working forests and farms; expand state-municipal-private partnerships; increase leveraging of state dollars; enhance stewardship of conservation land; and provide public access opportunities. For details, see the Landscape Partnership Program RFR<http://www.mass.gov/Eoeea/docs/eea/dcs/fy12-gr/rfr-landscape-partnership-fy12.pdf> (PDF, 721 KB). Proposals are due by October 28.

New England Municipal Coastal Resilience Initiative - The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC) and the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) are seeking proposals from coastal communities in New England for innovative efforts to address the impacts of a changing climate. The goal is to award $10,000 to $30,000 to at least one community from each coastal New England state. These projects will serve as pilots for other coastal cities and towns looking to adapt to changing conditions. GOMC and NROC strongly encourage applicants to submit Letters of Intent by September 29. Feedback will be provided. For more information, see the Request for Proposals<http://stormsmart.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/group-documents/77/1315418724-GOMC-NROC_RFQ_Final.pdf> (PDF, 164 KB). Full proposals are due by November 10.

Reminders - These opportunities listed in the last CZ-Mail are still available:

*         FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants - The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) are inviting communities, state agencies, and tribal governments and territories to submit applications for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2012 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program. These competitive grants assist applicants with hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of hazard mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate the loss of life and property due to natural hazards. Also, on September 7 in Plymouth and October 5 in Boston, MEMA will hold technical assistance meetings to provide applicants an opportunity to ask questions of the State Hazard Mitigation Team. CZM strongly encourages all potential applicants to attend one of these sessions. For more information, see the MEMA website<http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=eopsterminal&L=4&L0=Home&L1=Homeland+Security+%26+Emergency+Response&L2=Hazard+Mitigation&L3=Hazard+Mitigation+Grants&sid=Eeops&b=terminalcontent&f=mema_disaster_recovery_hazard_mitigation_grant_program_hmgp&csid=Eeops> or contact Scott MacLeod at scott.macleod at state.ma.us<mailto:scott.macleod at state.ma.us>. Full applications are due by November 4.

*         Massachusetts Recreational Trails Grants - DCR is seeking applications for 2012 Massachusetts Recreational Trails Program Grants<http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/greenway/regionalGrants.htm>, which provides from $2,000 to $50,000 for a variety of trail protection, construction, and stewardship projects throughout Massachusetts. DCR is also accepting applications for Statewide Trails Education Grants<http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/greenway/educationgrants.htm>, which provide funding for statewide trail education initiatives. Applications for both programs are due by October 1.

*         Climate Program Funding Opportunities - The NOAA Climate Program Office is seeking proposals for several grant programs. The Climate Program Office manages the competitive research program in which NOAA funds high-priority climate science, assessments, decision support, education, and capacity-building activities to advance our understanding of the changing climate system and how it impacts the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, land, snow, and ice. For details about these opportunities, see the NOAA website<http://www.climate.noaa.gov/>. Proposals are due by October 3.


2010 State of the Climate Report - EPA has released Lessons Learned from the Climate Ready Estuaries Program<http://www.epa.gov/cre/downloads/CRE%20Lessons%20Learned%20508.pdf> (PDF, 1.4 MB), a pamphlet that presents a compilation of best practices and lessons learned by the various program partners, including strategies for successful completion of vulnerability assessments, stakeholders engagement efforts, development of climate change indicators, and adaptation planning efforts.

Climate Ready Estuaries Lessons Learned Pamphlet - EPA has released Lessons Learned from the Climate Ready Estuaries Program<http://www.epa.gov/cre/downloads/CRE%20Lessons%20Learned%20508.pdf> (PDF, 1.4 MB), a pamphlet that presents best practices and lessons learned from the various experiences of the Climate Ready Estuaries Program partners from across the country.

Coastal Development Visualization - NOAA's Coastal Services Center has developed CanVis<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/tools/canvis/>, a visualization program used to "see" potential impacts from coastal development or sea level rise. Users can download background pictures and insert hotels, houses, marinas, or other objects to see the visual impacts. The free software can be used by municipalities to brainstorm new ideas and policies, undertake project planning, and make presentations.

Extreme Weather and Climate Change White Paper - The Pew Center on Global Climate Change has released Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Understanding the Link, Managing the Risk<http://www.pewclimate.org/publications/extreme-weather-and-climate-change>, a report that explains this connection, while highlighting the need to address vulnerabilities to extreme events in the United States. The white paper asserts that recent extreme weather events are part of a longer trend of rising extremes, which reveals a pattern of increasing risk as the planet warms.

Oceans and Law of the Sea - The United Nations General Assembly has released Oceans and the Law of the Sea<http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/70/Add.1>, a report developed to facilitate discussions at the 12th meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea.

Watershed Science Bulletin-Call for Articles - The Watershed Science Bulletin<http://www.awsps.org/watershed-science-bulletin.html> (WSB) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Association of Watershed and Stormwater Professionals (AWSP) that features practical, science-based solutions to important watershed and stormwater management issues. AWSP is currently soliciting short (5,000 words or less) articles for the Spring 2012 issue, which will feature practical applications of monitoring and modeling to assess watersheds and using these tools to inform the decision making process to protect or improve watershed health. Research on the economic, social, hydrologic, chemical, and biological aspects of watershed monitoring and modeling will be considered. Articles are due by October 5.

GreenGov Success Stories - The White House Council on Environmental Quality has released GreenGov Success Stories<http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/07/21/greengov-getting-results>, a report that highlights efforts throughout the federal government to lead by example and drive long-term savings, improve efficiency, reduce pollution, and eliminate waste. This effort began when President Obama signed Executive Order 13514<http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ceq/initiatives/sustainability> in October 2009 and kicked off the GreenGov Challenge.

MOP Blast - The June 2011 issue of The MOP Blast<http://massoceanpartnership.org/blog/>, the newsletter of the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership (MOP) provides project updates, notices, publications, and other noteworthy developments in the world of coastal and marine spatial planning.

Ebb & Flow - The September 2011 issue of Ebb & Flow<http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/der/newsletters/ebbflow9/ebbflow9.htm>, the eNewsletter of the Department of Fish and Game's Division of Ecological Restoration, features a story on a dam removal in Kingston. This issue also provides updates on river and coastal restoration projects and includes sections on grants, resources, and events.

Coastal Services Magazine - The July/August 2011 issue of Coastal Services<http://csc.noaa.gov/magazine/>, a NOAA Coastal Services Center magazine, features articles about landscaping with edible plants in Massachusetts, hurricane resilience on the Gulf Coast, lessons from the tsunami experience in Hawaii, and other news and notes.

Sound Waves - The August 2011 issue of Sound Waves<http://soundwaves.usgs.gov/>, the monthly newsletter from USGS, features articles on polar ocean acidification, erosion on the west coast, and other coastal and marine research news.

Marine Ecosystems and Management Information Service - The August/September 2011 edition of Marine Ecosystems and Management<http://depts.washington.edu/meam/> (MEAM), the bimonthly information service on marine ecosystem-based management (EBM) published by the University of Washington School of Marine Affairs, includes articles on sustainable financing for EBM, private sector investments in EMB, and other notes and news.

Oceanography - The June 2011 issue of Oceanography<http://www.tos.org/oceanography/archive/24-2.html>, the magazine of the Oceanography Society, is a special issue on Sea Level.

Coastal and Ocean Data Meeting Presentations - Presentations from the Northeast Coastal and Ocean Data Partnership Annual Meeting held from June 8-9 in Rye, New Hampshire are now available on the Partnership website<http://www.necodp.org/workshops/metadata-workshop/2011-annual-meeting-presentations-1>.


Coastal Inundation Toolkit - The NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC) has added a Visualize section<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/inundation/visualize/> to its Coastal Inundation Toolkit, which contains resources that can help users turn data into visualizations. Resources include photos, map-viewing tools, data, and map-development guides. The Picture It<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/inundation/visualize/picture.html> and Graph It<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/inundation/visualize/graph.html> pages focus on resources to help create simulation photos and ready-made map-viewing products. The Build It<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/inundation/visualize/build.html> page provides Geographic Information System (GIS) users and data analysts with guidance and resources to obtain and prepare data and generate custom inundation maps.

Wasting Water Is Weird - EPA's WaterSense partners Bosch, Kohler, Lowe's, and P&G, as part of a larger coalition of water-conscious organizations, have launched a new public service campaign called Wasting Water Is Weird<http://www.wastingwaterisweird.com/>. The campaign features tips from the WaterSense program<http://epa.gov/watersense/index.html> and links for additional water-saving information. The website presents positive, humorous messages delivered by Rip the Drip, who shows up just when using water becomes wasting water. You can like Rip the Drip on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rip-The-Drip/213150028726904> and follow him on Twitter<https://twitter.com/#!/RipTheDrip>.

Response and Restoration Blog - NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) has launched the Response and Restoration Blog<http://usresponserestoration.wordpress.com/>. Recent entries include discussions of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, plans for potential oil spill impacts on Arctic ecosystems, and other response and restoration topics. OR&R develops and employs critical scientific solutions to marine pollution caused by humans such as oil and chemical spills, and plastics in the ocean.

Sustainable Water Infrastructure - EPA has revamped the Sustainable Water Infrastructure website<http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/sustain/index.cfm> to provide information and resources for meeting the water infrastructure challenges faced in communities across the country. The site provides information, resources, and materials relating to the key issues of a community's water infrastructure and offers concrete, achievable steps that local officials can take to build and maintain technical, financial, and managerial capacity to achieve a more sustainable water infrastructure.

Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox - EPA has updated its Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox<http://www.epa.gov/safewater/watersecurity/climate/toolbox.html>, which provides access to more than 500 resources that support climate adaptation planning at water utilities. The updated toolbox includes reports and publications, information about funding programs, upcoming workshops and training sessions, models and tools, and climate response materials that focus on mitigation and adaptive strategies.

Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development and Community Decisions - The University of New Hampshire's Stormwater Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Antioch University New England have developed Forging the Link<http://www.unh.edu/unhsc/forgingthelink>, a website that links the economic advantages of Low Impact Development with municipal land use decisions. This resource demonstrates that substantive economic benefits for both construction budgets and project life-cycle costs can be realized by municipalities, commercial developers, and others when using green infrastructure for stormwater management.

Public Comment

Wind Power Offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts-Call for Information and Nominations - The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) is seeking nominations for one or more commercial leases for wind energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts to gauge interest from wind energy developers and to provide the information needed to conduct a competitive or non-competitive leasing process in the future. For more information, see the BOEMRE Press Release<http://www.doi.gov/news/pressreleases/Interior-Launches-Leasing-Process-for-Commercial-Wind-Energy-Offshore-Rhode-Island-and-Massachusetts.cfm> or the Federal Register Notice<http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-18/html/2011-21136.htm>. Nominations are due by October 3.

Offshore Wind Informational Meetings - On September 20 and September 21, BOEMRE will hold two offshore wind informational meetings. The September 20 meeting will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Corson Maritime Learning Center Theater at the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, 33 William Street, New Bedford. The September 21 meeting will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theater, 54 Spring Street, Vineyard Haven. The purpose of these meetings is to provide an update on the status and next steps for the recently released Call for Information and Nominations and Notice of Intent for an Area of Mutual Interest (AMI) in federal waters south of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The AMI area was identified by the two states for joint consideration of wind energy leasing and development (see above blurb).

Intent to Prepare an Environmental Assessment - BOEMRE is seeking public input regarding the identification of the important environmental and/or socioeconomic issues and alternatives to be considered for the wind energy projects offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts (see above). Before any leases are issued, BOEMRE will complete an Environmental Assessment (EA) to determine impacts associated with issuing leases in the potential wind energy area. For more information, see the Federal Register Notice<http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-18/html/2011-21142.htm>. Comments are due by October 3.

Start with Science - When making decisions about health and safety, national security, and quality of life, the U.S. Geological Survey starts with science-and it wants the public's help. The Start with Science website<http://colorado.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b72140489b80a4574373938a1&id=35559aecd6&e=4051a4f944> provides information and solicits comments on the USGS Science Strategy, which includes the creation of 10-year strategies for each of USGS's new mission areas. USGS also invites everyone to answer a series of questions relating to the mission areas-core science systems, climate and land use change, energy and minerals, environmental health, ecosystems, natural hazards, and water.


BUAR Public Meeting - On September 29 at 1:30 p.m., CZM's Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources<http://www.mass.gov/czm/buar/> (BUAR) will hold its bimonthly public board meeting at CZM's Boston office in the CZM Large Conference Room. The preliminary agenda includes discussion/approval of minutes of the June 23 meeting, renewal of one new reconnaissance permit, one excavation permit, and several special use permits. For more information, contact BUAR Director, Victor Mastone, at victor.mastone at state.ma.us<mailto:victor.mastone at state.ma.us>.

Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop - On September 29 at 6:30 p.m., CZM in coordination with the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC), the Buzzards Bay Action Committee, and the city of New Bedford will hold an Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop in Room 314 at the New Bedford City Hall. This free, two-hour workshop is targeted at conservation agents, administrators, and commissioners from coastal communities around the Buzzards Bay and Mt Hope Bay area. To register, contact CZM's South Coastal Regional Coordinator, Dave Janik, at david.janik at state.ma.us<mailto:david.janik at state.ma.us>.

Rainwater Harvesting Webcast - On September 14, the Center for Watershed Protection will present Rainwater Harvesting as a Stormwater Management Practice<http://www.cwp.org/our-work/training/webcasts.html#Next%20Webcast>, a webcast that will provide all the details you need to utilize rainwater harvesting as a stormwater BMP. The webcast will address different storage and reuse configurations and quantitative methods to account for stormwater benefits. Several case studies will be presented.

Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council Meeting - On September 14, the Boston Harbor Islands Advisory Council will meet from 6-8 p.m. at Independence Wharf in Boston. The agenda will include a review of the summer season, park updates, and public comment. The meeting will be open to the public. For details, contact Superintendent Bruce Jacobson at (617) 223-8667.

Ocean Observatories Initiative Community Event - On September 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Ocean Observatories Initiative Program will host a community event<http://www.oceanobservatories.org/2011/ooi-community-event-sept-17-new-bedford-ma/> at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Come to see, listen, and learn about ocean observatories off the New England coast.

OCEANS '11 Conference - From September 19-22, the Oceans 2011 Conference<http://www.oceans11mtsieeekona.org/> will be held in Kona, Hawaii. The annual conference is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in oceanic engineering and marine technology.

Water Cycle Summit - On September 21, the Open Geospatial Consortium and the World Meteorological Organization will hold the 2011 Oceans/Meteorology/Hydrology Water Cycle Summit<http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1109omh> in Boulder, Colorado to discuss accomplishments and future needs.

Coastal Communities Conference - From September 29-30, the Living on the Edge: Coastal Communities Conference<http://www.coastalcommunitiesconference.org/conference/> will be held on Nantucket. The 2011 conference-Creating a Blueprint for Our Coast-will bring together scientists, city planners, stewards of the environment, and government officials to explore the impact of coastal and marine spatial planning on the use of waterways.

Champions of the Charles - On September 30, the Charles River Watershed Association will hold the Champions of the Charles Gala<http://www.crwa.org/champions.html> in Brighton to honor John DeVillars, former EPA New England Administrator and former Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary, and the driving force behind the Clean Charles Initiative and a swimmable Charles River.

GIS and Water Resources Conference-Call for Abstracts and Workshops - From March 26-28, 2012, the American Water Resources Association will hold the biennial Conference on GIS and Water Resources<http://www.awra.org/meetings/Spring2012/index.html> in New Orleans, Louisiana. Proposals should focus on providing participants with exposure to and experience with one or more software applications for GIS and Water. Submissions are due by October 3.

Ocean Sciences Meeting-Call for Abstracts - From February 20-24, the 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting<http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012> will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah and will cover a wide range of topics in aquatic science. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are due by October 7.

MACC Fall Conference - On October 15, MACC will hold the 2011 Fall Conference<https://www.maccweb.org/edu_fall.html>, Protecting Open Space: Making It Happen, in Worcester. Geared for conservation commissioners and agents, community preservation committees, planning boards, open space and land stewardship committees, land trusts and interested citizens, the 2011 conference will present case studies that demonstrate several key land acquisition and management tools for use by local officials.

National Coastal Conference - From October 19-21, the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association will hold the 2011 National Coastal Conference<http://www.asbpa.org> in New Orleans, Louisiana. The theme of the 2011 conference is Expanding Coastal Horizons, recognizing that coastal issues extend beyond the narrow strip where waves wash ashore.

New England Environmental Education Conference - On October 21-23, the 2011 New England Environmental Education Alliance Conference<http://www.neeea.org/conference.html>, Navigating New England Environmental Education: Charting a Course to an Environmentally Literate Future, will be held in Charlton, Massachusetts.

Urban Waterfronts Conference - From October 27-29 the Waterfront Center will hold the Urban Waterfronts 2011 Conference<http://www.waterfrontcenter.org/Conference/Conference10.htm>: Thirty Years and Counting in New York, New York. This annual conference on waterfront development and planning will provide planners, policymakers, community leaders, architects, and landscape architects the opportunity to explore waterfront issues.

Late Summer Walks in Harwich - The Harwich Conservation Trust has posted its schedule of late summer walks. All walks are free and open to the public. See the Trust's website<http://www.harwichconservationtrust.org/pdfs/late_summer_2011_HCT_Walks.pdf> (PDF, 126 KB).

Barnstable Land Trust Walks and Talks - Through autumn, the Barnstable Land Trust will hold numerous events as part of its Walks & Talks nature series. For details, see the Barnstable Land Trust website<http://www.blt.org/02-What%20We%20Do/Walks%20And%20Talks.html>.

Reminders - The following calendar items posted in the last CZ-Mail are still to come:

*         Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security-Call for Abstracts - From May 21-23, 2012, the Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security<http://www.gcocs.org/index.html> will be held in Boston. This first global conference will focus on: raising the awareness level of the threat of climate change to oceans; identifying and prioritizing the knowledge gaps in science and technology; and generating comprehensive human security policy and governance recommendations. See the Call for Abstracts<http://www.gcocs.org/call_for_abstracts.html>, which are due by September 15.

*         Philadelphia Low Impact Development Conference - From September 25-28, the Philadelphia Low Impact Development Symposium<http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/stormwater/2011lid/index.html> will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This conference will combine the 5th National Low Impact Development Conference, the 19th Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop, and the 2011 Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Symposium.

*         Bathymetric Science Day - On October 4, the 6th General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Bathymetric Science Day<http://www.gebco.net/about_us/gebco_science_day/> will be held in La Jolla, California.

CZM in the News

Below are links to recent news and journal articles that feature CZM. (Articles may only be available for a limited time. Not working? Try copying the web address directly into your browser, rather than clicking on it.)

*         Aquaculture: Waterfront war (Standard-Times, 8/21/11) -

*         Federal protection for Vineyard Waters nears with Steamship Authority grant (Vineyard Gazette, 8/19/11) -

*         Wild Side : Conservation moorings minimize impact on harbor bottom (Martha's Vineyard Times, 8/17/11) -

*         Keeping coastal waters clean on Outer Cape Cod (The Great Outdoors Blog, 8/4/11) -

*         Boat waste banned along Outer Cape coast (Cape Cod Times, 8/2/11) -

*         No-discharge zone added in Cape Cod (Soundings Trade Only Today, 8/2/11) -

*         Patrick-Murray Administration secures No Discharge Area designation for Outer Cape Cod (EEA Press Release, 8/1/11) -

*         Outer Cape Cod now protected from boat sewage pollution; ''No Discharge Area'' designation finalized for the Outer Cape Cod of Massachusetts (EPA Press Release, 8/1/11) - http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/0/DD09ECE07929D10A852578DF0044E6D4

*         Outer Cape now a no-discharge area for boats (Cape Codder, 8/1/11) -

*         Outer Cape Cod officially designated a No Discharge Area (Cape Cod Today, 8/1/11) -

*         Patrick-Murray Administration secures No Discharge Area designation for Outer Cape Cod (EnviroLib, 8/1/11) -

In the News

Below are links to recent news and journal articles on coastal issues. (Articles may only be available for a limited time. Not working? Try copying the web address directly into your browser, rather than clicking on it.)

*         Irene decimates Westport's shoreline (Standard-Times, 9/1/11) -

*         Storm residue closes beaches: Merrimack River becomes brown in aftermath of Irene (Daily News of Newburyport, 9/1/11) -

*         Hurricane Irene leaves behind a bill for taxpayers (Los Angeles Times, 9/1/11) -

*         Martha's Vineyard towns go it alone in hurricane response (Martha's Vineyard Times, 8/31/11) -

*         West Tisbury nixes beach revetment despite state okay (Vineyard Gazette, 8/30/11) -

*         Storm erodes south shore, imperiling homes (Vineyard Gazette, 8/30/11) -

*         Cape erosion fears for naught from Irene (Cape Cod Times, 8/30/11) -

*         Tropical storm Irene leaves more headaches in aftermath (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/30/11) -

*         Irene's winds whip Nantucket: After day of isolation, boat and plane service resumes (Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror, 8/30/11) -

*         Boat owners weather tropical storm (Cape Cod Times, 8/30/11) -

*         BoatUS estimates vessel damage at $500 million (Soundings Trade Only, 8/30/11) -

*         Tired Irene slaps N.E. (Boston Globe, 8/29/11) -

*         Dunes devastated in Westport; wall holds in Scituate (Boston Globe, 8/29/11) -

*         Irene won't soon be forgotten (Standard-Times, 8/29/11) -

*         Sailboats slipped their moorings across SouthCoast as Irene raged (Standard-Times, 8/29/11) -

*         Irene causes widespread power outages; damage mounting across area (Herald News, 8/29/11) -

*         Lights out, Irene (Cape Cod Times, 8/29/11) -

*         Surge hits Bourne shoreline (Cape Cod Times, 8/29/11) -

*         Irene blows in-and out (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/29/11) -

*         Region spared worst of Irene (Salem News, 8/29/11) -

*         Wind-whipped Lynn area assesses storm damage (Lynn Item, 8/29/11) -

*         Some significant damage (Soundings, 8/29/11) -

*         Intensity of hurricanes still bedevils scientists (New York Times, 8/29/11) -

*         Irene leaves its marks (Gloucester Times, 8/28/11) -

*         State environmental officials celebrate completion of Scituate Boat access project (EEA Press Release, 8/25/11) -

*         PI property owners get tax reprieve: Erosion 'stigma' helps make case (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/23/11) -

*         Stellwagen proposal seen posing new fishing limits (Gloucester Times, 8/23/11) -

*         Logan adding a $65m runway fail-safe: Extension into harbor stirs multiple concerns (Boston Globe, 8/22/11) -

*         Willy's whale of a tale: Pa. boy develops lasting bond with mammals off the coast (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/22/11) -

*         They watch rivers flow, or not flow (Boston Globe, 8/21/11) -

*         Plan to raze Chatham cottages raises ire (Cape Cod Times, 8/19/11) -

*         Feds unveil wind farm zone off Mass., R.I. (Standard-Times, 8/18/11) -

*         New area opened to wind farms (Cape Cod Times, 8/18/11) -

*         Boating safety; training sought for operators (Marshfield Mariner, 8/18/11) -

*         Feds cite Salisbury for wastewater violations (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/18/11) -

*         Refuge sees upsurge in plover fledglings (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/18/11) -

*         Plum Cove Beach swim ban tied to storms (Gloucester Times, 8/17/11) -

*         Chatham sharks close more beaches (Cape Cod Times, 8/17/11) -

*         Gloucester man's $45k gift boosts boating program (Gloucester Times, 8/17/11) -

*         NOAA's National Weather Service taking action to build a 'Weather-ready' nation (NOAA News, 8/17/11) -

*         Final eviction notice in Chatham (Cape Cod Times, 8/16/11) -

*         Celebrating tidal power in Falmouth (Cape Cod Times, 8/16/11) -

*         Bid to revive eelgrass population slowly makes headway in region (Boston Globe, 8/15/11) -

*         Group aims to put plastic pollution on world's radar: Oceans, rivers facing threats (Boston Globe, 8/15/11) -

*         Fine art of hurricane tracking: Push is on for the 7-day forecast (Christian Science Monitor, 8/15/11) -

*         Costly EPA mandate stirs local communities (Lowell Sun, 8/14/11) -

*         The curious case of the piping plover (Boston Globe, 8/14/11) -

*         10 turtles released in Nantucket Sound (Cape Cod Times, 8/14/11) -

*         Volunteer efforts to clean up beach keep Plum Island looking shipshape (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/12/11) -

*         State environmental officials celebrate completion of New Bedford boat access projects (EEA Press Release, 8/12/11) -

*         Deepwater Horizon oil spill was boon for bacteria, study finds (Cape Cod Times, 8/12/11) -

*         Coming down: Kingston dam to be removed as environmentalists set their sights on two others on Jones River (Boston Globe, 8/11/11) -

*         Politics threaten wastewater funding (Cape Cod Times, 8/10/11) -

*         Chatham prohibits swimming near seals (Boston Globe, 8/10/11) -

*         Debt deal reopens debate on climate catastrophes (New York Times, 8/9/11) -

*         Plenty of challenges ahead for Seashore (Cape Cod Times, 8/8/11) -

*         Tending to Thacher Island keeps 'keepers hopping (Gloucester Times, 8/7/11) -

*         Along the waterfront: With a wary eye, harbormasters watch over coastal towns (Boston Globe, 8/7/11) -

*         Plover protections prompt backlash (Cape Cod Times, 8/6/11) -

*         Mayor seeks formal plans for I-4, C-2 (Gloucester Times, 8/6/11) -

*         Seashore: Public park, private haven (Cape Cod Times, 8/5/11) -

*         At 50, The Cape Cod National Seashore is literally washing away (WBUR, 8/5/11) -

*         Could seawater solve the freshwater crisis? (National Geographic News, 8/5/11) -

*         Consultant suggests ways to address Marshfield's sea-wall problems (Patriot Ledger, 8/4/11) -

*         Collision at sea: Plans for Marblehead's Gerry Island reflecting its maritime past have run afoul of environmental advocates fearing for its future (Boston Globe, 8/4/11) -

*         Red tide has little effect in 2011 (Boston Globe, 8/4/11) -

*         Environmental officials celebrate completion of Chatham salt marsh restoration (EEA Press Release, 8/4/11) -

*         Representative presses for state aid to repair Ernestina: Historic schooner now in dry dock in New Bedford (Boston Globe, 8/4/11) -

*         NOAA's Atlantic hurricane season update calls for increase in named storms (NOAA News, 8/4/11) -

*         Stormier Atlantic hurricane season now predicted (Environmental News Service, 8/4/11) -

*         Calm waters so far for local boaters: The seas have been kind to boaters this season (Daily News of Newburyport, 8/3/11) -

*         Cape Cod Bay holds hidden risk for dining North Atlantic right whales (Science Daily, 8/3/11) -

*         Marine microbes prove potent greenhouse gas emitters (Science News, 8/3/11) -

*         2d sea turtle death in week stirs warning (Boston Globe, 8/2/11) -

*         Ancient glacial melting shows that small amount of subsurface warming can trigger rapid collapse of ice shelves (Science Daily, 8/2/11) -

*         A boardwalk for Essex? (Gloucester Times, 8/1/11) -

*         WHOI study reports microbes consumed oil in Gulf slick at unexpected rates (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Press Release, 8/1/11) -

*         Ancient tides quite different from today-some dramatically higher (Science Codex, 8/1/11) -

*         On the water: A series on New England's classic summer pastime (Boston Globe, 8/11) -

*         FEMA encourages Americans to participate in September's National Preparedness Month (FEMA Press Release, 7/20/11) -

Other Items of Interest

Ocean Research Advisory Panel - The Department of the Navy is seeking nominations for membership on the Ocean Research Advisory Panel, which provides independent advice and guidance to the National Ocean Council. For details, see the Federal Register Notice<http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-18/html/2011-21116.htm>. Submit nominations by September 15 to Stephen D. Martin at stephen.d.martin at navy.mil<mailto:stephen.d.martin at navy.mil>.

Stellwagen Advisory Council - The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary<http://stellwagen.noaa.gov/> is seeking applicants for two alternate research seats on its Sanctuary Advisory Council. To receive an application kit, contact Elizabeth.Stokes at noaa.gov<mailto:Elizabeth.Stokes at noaa.gov>. Applications are due by November 1.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Deval L. Patrick, Governor

Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs - Richard K. Sullivan Jr., Secretary

Office of Coastal Zone Management - Bruce K. Carlisle, Director

Editor - Robin Lacey<mailto:robin.lacey at state.ma.us?subject=September%202011%20CZ-Mail>

Internet Coordinator - Joe Pelczarski

Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management

251 Causeway Street, Suite 800

Boston, MA 02114-2136

(617) 626-1200

CZM Information Line - (617) 626-1212

CZM Website - www.mass.gov/czm<http://www.mass.gov/czm>

A publication of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management pursuant
to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA10NOS4190183.

This publication is funded (in part) by a grant/cooperative agreement from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA
or any of its sub-agencies.

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