[SEMCO] CCMNH Bee Program, a 5 Year Review

The Gilligans thegilligans at comcast.net
Fri Oct 1 15:31:25 EDT 2010



Bee Program, a 5 Year Review

Discussion with George Muhlebach


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 1:30

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History

869 Rte 6A, Brewster, MA 02631

508-896-3867 x 133    www.ccmnh.org


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28, 2010

Contact: Gayle Kenerson 508-385-2192 or gck1 at comcast.net 


Friends of CCMNH monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
at 1:00, followed by the program, 

Bee Program, a 5 Year Review

Discussion with George Muhlebach

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History's Bee Keeper

at 1:30pm


George Muhlebach, CCMNH's Beekeeper, reviews the Museum's bee program after
5 years, what has worked and what have we learned. To quote George "I am
very pleased to report that we have the greatest team of very dedicated
volunteers. Some of them come to learn and practice bee keeping whereas
others have joined to overcome their fear of flying insects, including
bees."  One major challenge that the team has found is the observation hive,
how to keep it alive, prevent it from overcrowding and where is the queen?
Other challenges are in the full size hives, how come we have lost the
queen, should we go more for honey or for education of the visitors, how to
organize the program.  The bee group is still struggling with some of these
issues and has learned some interesting and surprising lessons.


George Muhlebach, a retired chemist, moved to Barnstable 12 years ago.  He
grew up in Switzerland where he inherited his love for the outdoors from his
father who was an accomplished cabinet-maker.  In his barn, George has now
his own woodworking shop where he builds furniture and turns wooden bowls.
He is also a beekeeper and dips candles from pure bees wax.




1:00 Friends Meeting

1:30 Talk by George Muhlebach

Friends/free Guests/$3


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