[SEMCO] BioChar Worskhop

Deborah Richmond polarbears1 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 19 17:50:52 EDT 2010

BioChar Workshop
Saturday  April 24   9-12 am
 Meetinghouse Farm
(2135 Route 149 West Barnstable)

Bob Wells and Peter Hirst
New England Biochar 
to discuss the modern applications of this ancient farming technique
 What is biochar?
What is its agricultural history?
How is it produced?
What are its benefits as a soil enhancer?

Workshop Fee $25
(Includes free samples and instructions for assembling
a small biochar maker.  Larger biochar quantities also available.) 

Jean at carbonel at cape.com   or   Judy at 508-362-2396  

For more information:
Peter Hirst 650-804-0498     Bob Wells  508-255-3688
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