[SEMCO] CESN '09 conference announcement

Kristin Uiterwyk Kristin.Uiterwyk at umb.edu
Tue Mar 10 09:07:03 EDT 2009


CESN 2009 Conference <http://cesn.org/events/cesn09.php> 

Conference on Coastal Environmental Sensing Networks
Day 1 at Boston Park Plaza, Day 2 at UMass Boston
July 23-24, 2009


The University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass Boston) Center for Coastal
Environmental Sensing Networks (CESN) is pleased to announce the second
conference on Coastal Environmental Sensing Networks (CESN '09).  This
two-day conference will be comprised of 3 panel sessions held in
conjunction with Coastal Zone '09 (CZ '09), a networking dinner, and
presentations, posters, and plenary talks at UMass Boston.

CESN '09 will provide a forum to share state-of-the-art technology
capabilities and learn about informational needs related to
environmental sensing networks.  Specific focus will be placed on
gathering, processing, and utilizing information from environmental
sensing networks to better manage the changing coastal environment.  The
focus of CESN'09 is consistent with the "Revolutionary Times: Catching
the Wave of Change" theme of CZ '09 ( http://www.csc.noaa.gov/cz/); and
as such, Day 1 of CESN '09 will take place on Thursday July 23, 2009 at
the CZ'09 conference (being held at The Boston Park Plaza Hotel &
Towers).  At CZ '09, a series of three Panel Sessions on Coastal
Environmental Sensing Networks will explore sensor network technology,
sensor applications, and policy and management-related information and
technology needs: 

CESN '09 Day One at CZ '09


This Panel Session will explore the applications of a variety of sensor
networks in coastal environments, will provide perspective on the
network development, deployment, cyberinfrastructure, and scientific
processing of data, and will link those perspectives to coastal
management and policy issues. The presentations will provide perspective
on the advantages and limitations of the networks they describe as well
as certain social, environmental, and economic issues on a variety of
scales (local to global).  Panelists will discuss the range of expertise
that goes into developing networks and speak in depth about their
particular experiences in contributing to multidisciplinary research and
development efforts. The objective is to provide the audience with a
better understanding of the wireless sensor networks as new kinds of
scientific tools that can be applied to coastal management issues. 


This Panel Session will explore the applications of sensors to problems
of social, environmental, and economic importance on personal, regional
and global scales.  Successes as well as failures of sensor
applications, sensor applications within sensor networks, and unexpected
applications of sensors will be highlighted by panelists from academia,
industry, and government.  The audience will gain a better understanding
of a wide range of sensor applications and benefit from some lessons
learned about applying new sensors to coastal environmental problems.  

CESN PANEL III: Policy and management-related information and technology

This Panel Session will examine recent efforts to enhance resource
managers' ability to measure, monitor, and manage the ocean and coastal
resources. Panel presenters will address examples of using
sensor-derived information in management practices, including: 1)
Monitoring sound to manage protected areas of the marine environment; 2)
the use of in situ and remote sensing to manage state coastal resources;
and, 3) the employment of ground penetrating radar and marine seismic
equipment to determine long-term shoreline changes.

CESN '09 Day Two at UMass Boston

Day 2 of CESN '09 will be held on Friday July 24, 2009 at the University
of Massachusetts Boston.  This solicitation is only  for papers to be
presented on Day 2 of CESN '09.


*	Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, April 17th, 2009, 5:00 pm
*	Registration Deadline: Friday, July 10, 2009, 5:00 pm EST
*	Paper Deadline: Friday, July 17, 2009, 5:00 pm EST
*	Conference: July 23-24, 2009

CESN invites participants to submit complete and original abstracts for
oral or poster presentations.  Anyone with an interest in the
application of sensing networks in the coastal environment is encouraged
to submit an abstract, including college and university faculty and
their students, researchers, regulators, and industry professionals.
The abstract should follow the "Abstract Preparation and Submission
Guidelines" specified in this Call.  If selected for a presentation,
authors must submit a complete paper (4-5 pages) before the start of the
conference.  Papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Specific details will follow for those selected to write papers.
All submissions will be subject to review by the CESN Conference Review
Board.  Papers will be assigned to an appropriate session based on the
information provided in the abstract and the judgment of the Review
Board.  Due to time limitations some abstracts submitted as oral
presentations may be selected for poster presentation instead.
Authors may not submit abstracts for papers that have been previously
published in another forum; nor may they submit abstracts for papers
currently being published or reviewed by another journal or conference.

Abstracts should directly relate to the application of sensing networks
in the coastal environment.  Specific areas of interest include, but are
not limited to:

*	Sensor technology
*	Sensor networking
*	Cyberinfrastructure
*	Sensor applications 
*	Policy and management-related information and technology needs

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.  All abstracts must not exceed 300 words, must be
Microsoft Word documents, cannot contain figures, and must be submitted
electronically via www.cesn.org/events/cesn09.php  .  Please make sure
to include the following (does not count toward your 300 word limit):

*	Presentation Title
*	Type of Presentation (oral or poster)
*	Name of Presenter
*	Affiliation
*	Mailing Address
*	Phone Number
*	Fax Number
*	Email Address
*	Names and affiliations of co-authors

Prior to final submission, authors will be asked to agree to a Creative
Commons license.  The Creative Commons license will allow CESN to make
materials available on the conference website, and will also allow users
to reproduce the abstracts without further permission from the
author(s), provided proper attribution is given.
Creative Commons license details are available on the submission
website. If you have questions regarding the appropriateness of your
manuscript topic for consideration in the Conference Proceedings, please

Francesco Peri 
francesco.peri at umb.edu <mailto:%20francesco.peri at umb.edu>  

CESN invites companies and organizations involved in marine
environmental sensing networks, engineering, GIS, and other marine
scientific equipment, technology and services to exhibit their products
to conference attendees.  Exhibit fees include two conference admissions
and participation in all conference events.  For information about
exhibiting, please contact:

Kristin Uiterwyk 
kristin.uiterwyk at umb.edu

All presenters are required to pay registration fees and all associated
travel expenses.  Registration will be available on-line via:

		General Registration Fee: $295.00 (CESN will pay your
one day CZ '09 registration fee if you are attending CZ '09 only on July

		Reduced General Fee: $195.00 (available for those with
proof of separate registration to CZ'09)

		CESN '09 Paper Presenters: $195.00 (CESN will pay your
one day CZ '09 registration fee if you are attending CZ '09 only on July

		Special Student Rate: $25.00 (for students attending Day
2 at UMass/Boston on July 24.)


*	The University of Massachusetts Boston 
*	The Center for Coastal Environmental Sensing Networks

*	The Urban Harbors Institute
*	Coastal Zone 2009
*	The Boston Park Plaza

           This project is funded in part by the Massachusetts
Environmental Trust. Massachusetts Environmental Trust


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