[SEMCO] PCCS.Lecture.Series
Tanya Grady
tgrady at coastalstudies.org
Thu Jan 15 14:07:07 EST 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Media Release 1.2
Contact: Tanya L. Grady
508.487.3622 x 103
pccsmedia at coastalstudies.org
*(Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA) *- The Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies
(PCCS) will present three lectures beginning Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 7
p.m., 5 Holway Avenue, Provincetown. The lectures will continue every
Thursday at 7 p.m. throughout the month of January. Admission is free and
refreshments will be served.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sea Monster to Sea Gold and Back Again
Presented by Karen Stamieszkin
North Atlantic right whale populations struggle to survive in modern waters.
With a total population of less than 400 whales; this species is on the
brink of extinction. Scientists at PCCS seek to understand the processes
and patterns that directly influence the distribution of these animals. Join
PCCS scientist, Karen Stamieszkin as she explains the ecology surrounding
this mysterious species.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Languages of Whales and Dolphins World-Wide
Presented by Dr. Ruth Leeney
Ruth Leeney, PhD will discuss the science of cetacean bioacoustics: the
study of calls produced by whales and dolphins. Leeney will highlight the
sounds made by right whales here in Cape Cod Bay, clicks produced by harbor
porpoises in the United Kingdom, by belugas in the Arctic, by bottlenose
dolphins in Ireland and by Heaviside's dolphins in Namibia. She will
explain what these sounds tell us about where these animals are, how many of
them there are, and what they might be up to.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Squid in Nantucket Sound: Biology, Ecology and the Fishery
Presented by Owen Nichols
The Longfin inshore squid is abundant in Nantucket Sound during the spring
and summer, forming the basis for a seasonal fishery. Owen Nichols,
director of PCCS Marine Fisheries Initiative, will explain the biology,
history and distributional ecology of this animal, with particular focus on
the present status of the squid fishery. Current research on squid ecology
conducted in collaboration with local fishermen will be discussed.
# # #
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to preserving marine mammals and ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine
through research, education, public policy initiatives and responsible
management strategies. PCCS delivers measurable results including
establishment of the Atlantic Large Whale Disentanglement Network and
continuous work to develop whale-safe fishing gear. PCCS played a key role
in the federal designation of Cape Cod Bay as a critical habitat for the
endangered North Atlantic right whale and the designation Stellwagen Bank as
a national marine sanctuary. To learn more about our research programs and
results, please visit www.coastalstudies.org or email
pccsmedia at coastalstudies.org.
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