[SEMCO] new book on the Gulf of Maine

Sheri DeRosa sderosa at whoi.edu
Tue Aug 26 11:48:26 EDT 2008

Maine Sea Grant is pleased to announce a new publication,
A Coastal Companion: A Year in the Gulf of Maine from Cape Cod to Canada*, 
written by Catherine Schmitt and published by Tilbury House (Gardiner, Maine).

A Coastal Companion is a journey through the year in the Gulf of Maine and its watershed, 
which includes land from eastern Massachusetts to southwestern Nova Scotia. A chronicle of 
changes through the seasons both above and within the sea, A Coastal Companion follows the
arrival and departure of migrating shorebirds in spring and fall, schools of fish as they 
move in and out of our region, and the natural cycles of our bays, rivers, marshes, and 
coastal forests. Part field guide, part almanac, the book also highlights writers, artists, 
and scientists who have chosen the Gulf of Maine as their subject matter. Poems by twelve 
contemporary Maine poets open each chapter, and illustrations by two Maine artists, 
Kimberleigh Martul-March and Margaret Campbell, are featured throughout the text. 

"The natural cycles of our bays, rivers, marshes, coastal forests, illuminated by artists, 
writers, scientists...is rarely captured in such captivating allure...a rare treasure indeed." 
--The Working Waterfront

"There isn't a dull day in the whole year."
--The Quoddy Tides

Available from Maine Sea Grant and at fine bookstores everywhere.


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