[SEMCO] [Mass Audubon] Weekend Program Alert Plus for October 26 - 31

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary wellfleet at massaudubon.org
Thu Oct 25 15:00:01 EDT 2007

Wellfleet Bay Weekend Program Alert

In addition to the great family program on Friday, there's an
excellent workshop the following Wednesday.  Many of you have
asked about "green building" events, so we wanted to bring this one to
your attention.

Friday, October 26
Haunted Forest                                        
5:45 - 8:15 p.m.  
Link: http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=VFhyb-O1AZCz2KCoSEBiSQ..

Wednesday, October 31
Green Home: Focus on Energy
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Link: http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=R_hecyEgwoYHqTDRwrsiUA..


Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Mass Audubon
291 State Highway, Route 6
P.O. Box 236
South Wellfleet, MA 02663
wellfleet at massaudubon.org

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