[SEMCO] Calendar, Nature's Circle

Alison Robb nature at cape.com
Mon Apr 19 11:39:41 EDT 2004

Please publish this information at the appropriate time, probably on
April 30 where possible, or before.  Thank you very much

Alison Robb, Nature's Circle, FALMOUTH,  508-540-2408,

Tuesday, May 4, 2 pm.   Butterflies of 2004 !   Meet at Peterson Farm to
look for butterflies and wildflowers.   Red Admirals and Spring Azures.
All welcome.  Bring binoculars and wear long pants. Leader Alison Robb.
508-540-2408, nature at cape.com

Thursday, May 6, 2 pm.   Butterflies of 2004 !   Meet at the Locust St.
parking area at the Bicycle Path, Falmouth.  All welcome.  Bring
binoculars and wear long pants. Leader Alison Robb.  508-540-2408,
nature at cape.com

May 8.   1 - 4 pm.  At CCMNH.  The celebration of the book, Butterflies
Across Cape Cod.  Meet the Authors, book sale, (and slide presentation
at 2 pm).

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