[SEMCO] ANS-HACCP Workshop, Invasive Species Training for Aquaculturists, February 25-26

Weigle, Shannon (ENV Shannon.Weigle@state.ma.us
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:33:40 -0500

On February 25-26, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will host a =
workshop in Hadley, MA to train aquaculturists in the application of =
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles to reduce =
the risk of introducing or spreading aquatic nuisance species (ANS).  =
This workshop will be useful to both freshwater and saltwater =
aquaculturists.  Since the purpose of ANS-HACCP is to develop =
non-intrusive best management practices, it is critical that there be =
adequate representation from the industry at this workshop.  =
Aquaculturists, shellfish officers, natural resource managers, and =
others involved in the aquaculture industry are encouraged to attend.

The workshop is free!  If you are interested in attending, please fill =
out a registration form.  More information on the workshop and reg. =
forms can be found at... http://www.neans.org/annoucement.htm

Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the workshop.

Thank you,
Shannon Weigle

Shannon Weigle
Program Manager
Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program=20
251 Causeway Street
Boston, MA  02114
(617) 626-1229