[SEMCO] New "Marine Extension Bulletin"
Sheri DeRosa
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 10:16:10 -0400
Greetings -
Approximately 75 percent of the U.S. ocean shoreline is eroding and
Massachusetts ocean-facing shore is no exception. New Shoreline Change
Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding, produced by Woods Hole Sea Grant
and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, describes a recent study, funded by
MCZM, to analyze and update Massachusetts shoreline change data. The
project, which also included USGS researchers, involved digitizing a new
shoreline from digital color orthophotographs along approximately 800
miles of the Commonwealths shore. The new bulletin reveals data results
and provides guidance on interpreting long-term shoreline change rates.
Ongoing efforts to better understand why some areas are eroding and
others accreting are also described.
The bulletin is available on the web at
http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/education/bulletins/mass.html. For a hard
copy, contact our office at (508) 289-2398 or seagrant@whoi.edu. For a
complete list of publications available from Woods Hole Sea Grant, visit
Sheri DeRosa
WHOI Sea Grant