[SEMCO] Estuaries Day Celebration

Sheri DeRosa sderosa@whoi.edu
Tue, 01 Oct 2002 08:29:48 -0400

For Immediate Release:
Contact Joan Muller, 508-457-0495 x107

Estuaries Day Celebration: Blue Eyes and Blue Water

Celebrate National Estuaries Day at Waquoit Bay Reserve with a program 
entitled Blue Eyes, Blue Water on Wednesday, October 2, 6:30 PM, at the 
Reserve Headquarters Visitor Center. Join Bob Rocha, Education 
Coordinator at the Coalition for Buzzards Bay as he helps participants 
take a closer look at the lifestyle of the Bay Scallop (Argopecten 
irradians) and its relationship with other local species, including 
humans. This is a very interactive, hands-on program and features the 
use of a 2? foot anatomically correct dissectable Bay Scallop model. Top 
off the evening with a taste of a scallop appetizer and free posters to 
bring home.

The scallop is one of the Capeís most treasured seafoods. Fascinating 
creatures, these bivalves move by opening and closing their shells and 
forcing water out, propelling them in the oppposite direction. A row of 
blue ìeyesî rings their shells. Although their numbers normally 
fluctuate widely, they have seen declining population numbers in recent 
years as their eelgrass habitat has also been in decline.

National Estuaries Day will be celebrated across the nation and is 
co-sponsored the National Estuaries Program and the National Estuarine 
Research Reserve Program. Estuaries, protected places where fresh and 
salt water meet provide homes and a nursery area for much of the fish 
and shellfish we eat as well as buffering us from storms and filtering 
out some pollutants which come from the land.

Reserve Headquarters is located on Route 28 in East Falmouth. The 
program is free and reservations are not necessary however seats will be 
given on a first-come/first-served basis. For more information call 