[SEMCO] Funding Opportunities

Sheri DeRosa sderosa@whoi.edu
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:11:49 -0500

The Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental
Technology (CICEET) has just announced two funding opportunities for FY

For complete details, visit http://ciceet.unh.edu/index_flash.html.


FY 2002 Request for Preliminary Proposals
The deadline for receipt of preliminary proposal submissions is 4:00 PM
January 4, 2002.

This RFP solicits projects that support the mission and goals of the
Cooperative Institute, including the use of NERRS as platforms for
developing and applying innovative environmental technologies that
address anthropogenic contamination and degradation of estuarine and
coastal ecosystems. Projects must be conducted in a NERRS site or its
watershed and have a demonstrable connection to the NERR. Projects may
involve multiple components within a single NERR site, multiple NERR
sites or the entire NERR system. Applicants must discuss proposed
projects with appropriate NERR and state CZM Managers prior to
preliminary proposal submission to ensure the project’s relevancy and
compatibility with NERRS and CZM program goals. Be advised that letters
of support from host NERR sites will be required with full proposal
submissions. Investigators from academic, state and local government,
non-profit institutions and the private sector are invited to apply.
Federal agency personnel may be eligible provided they can document
statutory authority to supplement their appropriations with funds from
other federal programs and entities. Such documentation must be
submitted with the preliminary proposal. Federal applicants may not
request salary compensation.


FY 2002 Request for Development Project Proposals
Development project proposals must be received on or before December 21,

This RFP solicits projects that support the mission and goals of the
Cooperative Institute in developing and applying innovative
environmental technologies that address anthropogenic contamination and
degradation of estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Up to $130 K is
available to fund development projects under this solicitation. The
purpose of this component of the CICEET program is to provide
investigators with an opportunity to evaluate the prospect of novel
technologies or methods by generating preliminary data in short duration
(one year or less), low cost ($5,000-$15,000) projects. It is expected
that successful Development Projects will result in a proposal to CICEET
for a full-scale project in a future competition. Development Projects
must address one of the priority focus areas (microbial contaminants,
toxic contaminants, nutrient enrichment and eutrophication, habitat
degradation/loss and habitat restoration, and synthesis, integration and
transfer of environmental data and information pertinent to coastal
management issues the four previous issues).
