[SEMCO] Shellfish Farmers' Forum
Sheri D. Derosa
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 09:08:04 -0500
Saturday, April 7, 2001
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Assembly of Delegates Chambers
First District Court House
Barnstable, MA
See below for cost and pre-registration information.
Presented by the SouthEastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center (SEMAC)
and the Massachusetts Aquaculture Association
Come to listen and share ideas about current topics and issues within
the shellfish aquaculture industry.
- State initiatives and budget outlook
- Regulatory issues and information
- QPX research and other shellfish diseases
- Hard clam crop insurance
- USDA funded razor clam project
- Gear and project updates
- Predator problems
- Shellfish aquaculture in other states
- Grower's and industry flea market
(Growers and industry members are invited to bring items that may be of
interest to the shellfish aquaculture industry. These items can be
displayed, swapped, or sold.)
Coffee and donuts will be served in the morning, and a light lunch will
be served around noon.
Cost is $5.00 per person. Please pre-register by April 3. Make checks
payable to "Barnstable County" and send, along with your complete name
and contact information, to:
Shellfish Farmer's Forum
c/o Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
P.O. Box 367
Barnstable, MA 02630
For additional information, please call (508) 375-6702.