[SEMCO] Fellowship Opportunity

Sheri D. Derosa sderosa@whoi.edu
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:55:57 -0500


Applications are being accepted for the following fellowship

"National Sea Grant College Program/National Marine Fisheries Service:
Joint Graduate Fellowship Program in Population Dynamics and Marine
Resource Economics"

The program will provide grants to support four graduate students, two
in Population Dynamics and two in Marine Resource Economics, who are
United States citizens and enrolled in relevant Ph.D. degree programs in
any university in the United States and its territories. Fellows will
work on thesis problems of public interest and relevance and have summer
internships under the guidance of a NMFS mentor at participating NMFS
Science Centers or Laboratories.

For complete details and application requirements, visit
http://www.nsgo.seagrant.org/research/rfp/sgrfp01a.html or contact WHOI
Sea Grant at (508) 289-2398 or seagrant@whoi.edu.

Applications must be submitted no later than February 15, 2001, to:

Dr. Judith McDowell
WHOI Sea Grant Program
193 Oyster Pond Road, MS #2
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1525
