[SEMCO] Job listing
Jennie Robbins
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 10:51:57 -0500
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would be very pleased if you could post this job opening at the Manomet
Center for Conservation Sciences on your listserve.
If you have any questions, or need more information, please contact me at
508-224-6521 or jrobbins@manomet.org.
Thank you very much.
Jennie Robbins
Admin. Coordinator
Environmental educator/program manager needed for "Nature Net" a
community-based, after-school program throughout SE Mass. Half-to full time,
year-round position. Nature net involves middle school students, parents,
teachers, libraries etc in learning/documenting local habitats to contribute
to regional conservation programs. Related community education events
included. Creative self-starter, experienced educator needed. Strong
potential for program growth in future. Secure funding. Competitive salary
and benefits. Please send cover letter and resume to "NN" at
jrobbins@manomet.org or write to PO Box 1770, Manomet Ma. 02345. An Equal
Opportunity Employer.