[SEMCO] [Fwd: Call for proposals: Nickerson Fellowship]

Tracey Crago tcrago@whoi.edu
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 15:34:27 -0400

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Please direct any inquiries to Nancy Finley at the
Cape Cod National Seashore (see address at the end
of the message).


Tracey I. Crago, Sea Grant Communicator
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
193 Oyster Pond Rd., MS #2
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1525

Phone:     (508) 289-2665   Fax:  (508) 457-2172
E-Mail:    tcrago@whoi.edu   WWW:

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From: Mark_Adams@nps.gov (Mark Adams)
Subject: Call for proposals: Nickerson Fellowship
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Request for Proposals

The Joshua A. Nickerson Conservation Fund was founded in 1991 to support
research in natural and social sciences and natural resource conservation=
Cape Cod National Seashore.  Each year researchers and students are eligi=
ble to
compete for small grants to support education, and research, which contri=
bute to
our understanding of the environmental processes occurring at Cape Cod Na=
Seashore.  =

Cape Cod National Seashore contains a diverse variety of habitats and is
characterized by open ocean and associated beaches, estuaries and tidal f=
lats. =

In addition to the marine environment, the Seashore is also home to a uni=
kettle pond system and sensitive vernal ponds.  The Seashore maintains a =
area of heathlands, a rare habitat that supports a wide range of species =
contributes to global biodiversity.  Over 17 federally listed threatened =
endangered utilize the seashore and its resources.  The coastal and physi=
processes that helped initially form Cape Cod constantly reshape the area=
wind, erosion, tides, and long shore currents.  These conditions contribu=
te to
the sensitive environment that the Nickerson Conservation Fund is dedicat=
ed to

We are currently soliciting proposals for the Nickerson Conservation Fell=
Award.  Proposals should briefly outline the objectives of the study, and=

include methods and budget.  Emphasis should be placed on how the study w=
increase conservation efforts or contribute the protection of the Seashor=
natural resources.  Each proposal should not exceed three pages.  Request=
s for
funding through this Fellowship will be considered for up to $2500 per ye=
ar. =

Housing may also be provided.  Applicants must reapply each year for supp=
ort on
long-term studies.  Proposals are due by April 30, 2000.  Applications or=

questions should be addressed to:

 Nancy Finley
 Cape Cod National Seashore
 99 Marconi Site Road
 Wellfleet, MA 02667  =

(508) 349-3785, ext. 216
email: nancy_finley@nps.gov
