[OBSIPtec] EGU session Extraterrestrial Seismology (8-13 April 2018, Vienna)
Simon Stähler
staehler at geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
Mon Nov 27 02:55:28 EST 2017
Dear colleagues,
We, the organizers of the planetary seismology session at EGU would like
to invite contributions from the OBS community that might be useful for
autonomous installations of seismometers on planets, moons and other
bodies: single-station approaches, automated event detection, data rate
Extraterrestrial seismology – Advances in instrumentation and methodology
PS5.3/SM 1.03
We’d also like to draw your attention to the deadline for Early Career
Scientists financial support applications on 1.12.2017. You find more
information under: https://www.egu.eu/ecs/
Please forward this email to everyone else you know to be interested.
the conveners
Stefanie Hempel, Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Martin Knapmeyer, Savas
Ceylan, Simon C. Stähler
PS5.3/SM 1.03
Extraterrestrial seismology – Advances in instrumentation and
methodology (co-organized)
This session will be a platform to share and discuss advances in seismic
instrumentation and seismological methodology aimed at terrestrial
planets, icy moons, and small bodies as well as seismological
investigations of icy, oceanic or desert environments on Earth.
In preparation for new space missions planning to deploy seismometers on
Mars, asteroids, comets or returning to the Moon, we want to establish a
session to present advances in building robust and low-power seismic
instrumentation adequate for space, including new deployment and sensor
concepts, e.g. miniaturization, rotational sensors, or sensors for
atmospheric recordings of seismic waves. Addressed issues may include
data quality and quantity achievable by these instruments given their
limitations in frequency range, sensitivity, digital resolution, finite
lifetime due to power availability, and limited capacity for data
storage and transfer.
Furthermore, we invite discussions of seismological methods that can be
adapted to the specific case of limited data availability and harsh
conditions on extraterrestrial bodies: dealing with single-station
setups, scarce networks, strong background noise, timing errors, unknown
sources, difficulties arising from robotic deployment, lacking
information on the exact deployment conditions, and ineffective coupling
between instrument and ground. In this respect, lessons learned from
seismological experiments in challenging terrestrial environments are of
special interest. Examples are experiments on (floating) ice, in the
oceans e.g. using ocean-bottom seismometers or floating hydrophones, or
in deserts. Presentations are invited on topics including knowledge and
insights obtained from re-processing of Apollo lunar seismic data with
novel methodologies, getting ready for seismic data return from the
InSight mission to Mars scheduled to land in November 2018, seismic
investigations of Earth analogues comparable to expected
extraterrestrial environments , and studies undertaken in preparation
for seismic missions to asteroids, comets, icy moons and other bodies.
| Dr. Simon Stähler
| ETH Zürich Department of Earth Sciences
| H 1.1, Sonneggstrasse 5, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
| Phone : +41 44 633 26 56
| Mail : simon.staehler at erdw.ethz.ch
| Web : http://www.simonstaehler.com
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