[OBSIPtec] PhD and Postdoctoral Opportunities in Ocean Bottom Seismology and Seafloor Geodesy

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Mon Nov 20 14:45:31 EST 2017

*PhD in Seafloor Geodesy and Seismology, Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New 

We seek a PhD student to investigate the slip behaviour at the offshore Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand.  The PhD project will be co-supervised by Laura Wallace at GNS Science (www.gns.cri.nz) and Martha Savage at the Institute of Geophysics,  School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW; http://www.victoria.ac.nz/sgees).

The project is part of a multi-disciplinary, international effort to understand the physical processes leading to slow slip events and earthquakes at the Hikurangi subduction zone.  The PhD project will involve work with ocean bottom pressure data, GPS-Acoustic methods, and ocean bottom seismology to understand the distribution of offshore slow slip events, interseismic locking, and the relationship of these to seismicity. The project will also provide opportunities to participate in sea-going research voyages to deploy and recover seafloor geodetic and seismological instruments.

The geophysics group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established track record of research in seismology, tectonics, crustal geophysics, and structural geology. GNS Science is New Zealand’s primary government-funded geoscience research agency.

In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences.

The deadline for the PhD scholarship applications is 1 March 2018 in New Zealand dates (28 February in the US). The successful applicant will receive a NZ$23,500 stipend and all tuition fee payments for a term of three years. Students should have completed an MSc degree prior to commencing study. Successful applicants are expected to have strong backgrounds in geophysics, mathematics, and physics.

Full details regarding the application process are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research at http://tinyurl.com/VUW-FGR.

Students wishing to apply may also contact Laura Wallace (l.wallace at gns.cri.nz) or Martha Savage (martha.savage at vuw.ac.nz) for further information.  We will be at the New Zealand Geosciences meeting in Auckland in late November and at the American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans in December and if you plan to go to one of those meetings, we welcome a chance to talk to you about the project.

Martha Savage
Institute of Geophysics, SGEES
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Cotton 529
Box 600, Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Email: Martha.Savage at vuw.ac.nz
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
Mobile: +64 (0)21-262-7516*Postdoctoral Researcher at Research and Development (R&D) Center for 
Earthquake and Tsunami (CEAT), JAMSTEC *Institution: Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Open Until: 2017-12-08

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) is recruiting a total of two Postdoctoral Researcher positions.

The Ocean Floor Observatory Technology Development Group, Research and Development (R&D) Center for Earthquake and Tsunami (CEAT), JAMSTEC is soliciting applications for two Postdoctoral Researcher positions in a research project entitled "Wide-area Seafloor Observation and Monitoring for National Resilience".

Please refer to our website for details about the Research and Development Center for Earthquake and Tsunami and our research plan.

[Research Description]
Research and technical development to establish real-time continuous monitoring of seafloor deformation in the seafloor and seafloor borehole environment, mainly targeting the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone in Japan, as well as scientific analysis of seafloor observation data on crustal deformation.

[Job Specification]
The Ocean Floor Observatory Technology Development Group, R&D Center for Earthquake and Tsunami, JAMSTEC is actively promoting the research and development of scientific sensor systems for seafloor deformation monitoring, and the deployment of such systems in seafloor and deep seafloor borehole environments, as a part of JAMSTEC'S overarching research project entitled "Wide-area Seafloor Observation and Monitoring for National Resilience".

Successful applicants will engage in the development of scientific instruments for seafloor deformation monitoring. More specifically, they will have a role in the planning, implementation, and data analysis of tests during the system development in land and seafloor test facilities. The test facilities include JAMSTEC's seismic vault in Kamioka-mine, Gifu, Japan, and seafloor cabled borehole observatory sites in the Nankai Trough. They may also conduct seismological and geophysical research using seafloor data from leading-edge seafloor observation systems, Dense Ocean-Floor Network systems for Earthquake and Tsunamis (DONET), and seafloor borehole observatories in the Nankai Trough, Japan.

[Relevant Research Fields]
Seismology, geophysics, and optical measurement.

For futher information, please visit our website;

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