[OBSIPtec] Correction to Cascadia Year 3 Horizontals Report

Jessica Lodewyk Jessica.Lodewyk at iris.edu
Fri Feb 20 17:03:59 EST 2015

Hello OBSIP data users,

An updated version of the Cascadia Year 3 Horizontal Orientation Report 
has been uploaded to the OBSIP website. The table showing the deployed 
2013-2014 Cascadia LDEO Stations (Table 1) had incorrect station 
locations and start and end dates. The table has been corrected in the 
new version of the report. This does not affect the horizontal 
orientation results or the reports from other years.

To download the new version, go to 

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Lodewyk at 
jessica.lodewyk at iris.edu.

Jessica Lodewyk
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