[OBSIPtec] Participate in ENAM CSE cruise

Brent Evers brent.evers at iris.edu
Wed Feb 4 09:59:33 EST 2015

Forwarded on behalf of:
Maureen Long
Yale University
maureen.long at yale.edu

Call for participation in the Broadband OBS recovery cruise for the GeoPRISMS Eastern North American Margin Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE) 

We seek additional participants for the broadband OBS recovery cruise for the ENAM CSE, which will take place March 26 – April 10 offshore North Carolina. More information about the objectives and design of the ENAM CSE can be found online at http://www.ig.utexas.edu/enam/. Students, postdocs, and early-career scientists are particularly encouraged to apply; no experience with this type of data collection is necessary.

To apply to participate as part of the science party, please send a 2-page CV and a 1-2 page statement of interest and experience (including identification of potential involvement in post-experiment science or potential use of data) to Maureen Long (maureen.long at yale.edu) no later than February 18, 2015. Applications by undergraduate and graduate students require a brief letter of support from the advisor. Please contact Maureen or another PI with any questions. 

On behalf of the PI team,

Anne Becel, LDEO (annebcl at ldeo.columbia.edu)
Maggie Benoit, TCNJ (margarethbenoit at gmail.com)
Jim Gaherty, LDEO (gaherty at ldeo.columbia.edu)
Maureen Long, Yale (maureen.long at yale.edu)
Lara Wagner, Carnegie (lwagner at carnegiescience.edu)
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