[SEMCO] Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve Employment Opportunity

Tompkins, Laurie (DCR) laurie.tompkins at mass.gov
Tue Feb 6 12:18:35 EST 2024

Coastal Training Program Director
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (Maine)

The Wells Reserve seeks a dynamic and creative person to join our team to direct efforts to design and deliver programs for and communicate science to a wide range of audiences in coastal communities, and to work with individuals, municipalities, and businesses to create a more resilient coast in the face of a changing climate and environment.

Summary of Responsibilities

*       Develop and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with CTP partners and relevant groups and agencies served by the program to remain current on coastal management issues, identify decision maker information needs, access best available scientific data and ensure the smooth transfer and translation of information and data.

  *   Plan, develop, and facilitate training programs offered by the Reserve; and evaluate the success of the training provided. Working with other staff, ensure that training logistics are taken care of and events run smoothly and professionally.

*       Design, convene and evaluate resilience-focused engagement processes where knowledge co-creation allows all voices to be heard and fair and equitable solutions to be developed using the best available science.

*       Lead and/or support collaborative research projects that link science with decision-making by contributing to the development and implementation of grant proposals and projects.

*       Identify underserved groups who would benefit from CTP services.

*       Conduct audience needs assessment and market analyses when appropriate to ensure program offerings meet the needs of target audiences and that the program stays relevant and nimble.

*       Design market and deliver events (workshops courses, seminars, conferences, webinars, etc.) to convey relevant science to decision maker groups.

*       Oversee the tracking, recording, and reporting of all CTP activities according to the NERRS Performance Measures reporting system.

*       Prepare and update CTP strategies and annual work plans.  Contribute to development and implement of Reserve's management plan.

  *   Attend the NERRS annual meeting and relevant sector meeting and serve as the Reserve's Coastal Training Program representative to the National Estuarine Reserve System. Contribute to NERR system-wide and national CTP activities by participating on key workgroups.
  *   Act as a liaison between the scientific and resource management communities to ensure that coastal decisionmakers have access to the latest science that can inform their work and that scientists understand and consider management needs in developing and advancing their research agendas.
  *   Administer projects and grant reports and prepare technical and professional reports.
  *   Manage CTP web presence in collaboration with Communications Director

*       Attend and deliver presentation at scientific meetings, conferences, etc. and stay up to date on current research and coastal topics with emerging significance to local audiences.

For more information about the position and the Wells Reserve, and to apply, visit: https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wellsreserve.org%2Fabout-us%2Fjobs-internships&data=05%7C02%7Csemco%40whoi.edu%7Cc1a8cc63ed954478cbfc08dc2737a960%7Cd44c5cc6d18c46cc8abd4fdf5b6e5944%7C0%7C0%7C638428367232591254%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=FMJk%2Bx%2F8OIcsSk4TQR8fOQ%2F4aqWFmf0rVFzMlq8sTuc%3D&reserved=0

Laurie Tompkins
Event & Volunteer Coordinator
Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
P.O. Box 3092
Waquoit, MA 02536
Direct 774-255-4268


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