[SEMCO] Job Posting: Social Scientist GS-13
Eagle, Meagan J
meagle at usgs.gov
Tue Dec 28 13:20:39 EST 2021
USGS is hiring a RGE (Research) Social Scientist GS-13 vacancy open 12/20/21 through 1/6/22: USAJOBS - Job Announcement<https://www.usajobs.gov/job/627624700>
1 term vacancy in St. Petersburg, FL, Santa Cruz, CA, or Woods Hole, MA.
The incumbent of this position will conduct original research related to the social science of coastal hazards with the goal to improve understanding of the connection between coastal hazards and societal issues, engaging and communicating Coastal and Marine Hazards Risk Program (CMHRP) science and product to end-users from local, private citizens to other researchers and coastal stakeholders.
I am currently working remotely.
Meagan Eagle, Ph.D. / Research Scientist (she/her)
U.S. Geological Survey
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
384 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole, MA 02543 / Phone: 508-457-2280 / Mobile: 774-810-0538 / Email- meagle at usgs.gov
CURRENT Shipping address: USGS-MOF, 11 Woods Hole Rd., Falmouth, MA 02540
USGS profile website: link<https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/meagan-j-eagle?qt-staff_profile_science_products=0#qt-staff_profile_science_products>
Research group website: link<https://www.usgs.gov/centers/whcmsc/science/environmental-geochemistry?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects>
Google Scholar profile: link<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ANzMPnAAAAAJ&hl=en>
ORCID: link<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5072-2755>
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