[SEMCO] Contacting the Waquoit Bay Reserve Staff

Tompkins, Laurie (DCR) laurie.tompkins at state.ma.us
Wed Mar 18 13:25:36 EDT 2020

In our efforts to adhere to Governor Baker's directive of social distancing, the Reserve's main campus including the Visitor Center, Laboratory and Boathouse is closed to visitors until the first week of April. Designated emergency personnel will be on site as needed.
All staff are working remotely at this time and this will continue until April 3. During this period, the most efficient method to reach staff is via email (?http://waquoitbayreserve.org/about/staff/?).  If you need to contact us by phone, please call our main line: 508-457-0495.
The WBNERR staff wishes that everyone remains healthy as we all do our best to navigate this new challenge.  We will update this notice if/when any new directives are issued.


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