[SEMCO] December 2020 CZ-Mail
CZ-Mail at mass.gov
CZ-Mail at mass.gov
Fri Dec 4 10:32:10 EST 2020
December 2020
Welcome to CZ-Mail, the monthly electronic newsletter from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Each issue provides information on major CZM initiatives, available tools and publications, upcoming workshops and events, grants, contracting opportunities, job openings, and other news of interest to people working on coastal issues. Additional information about CZM’s programs, publications, and other coastal topics can be found on the CZM website<https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-office-of-coastal-zone-management>. To subscribe to CZ-Mail, send a blank email (please be sure that the email is completely blank, with no signature line) to join-env-czmail at listserv.state.ma.us<mailto:join-env-czmail at listserv.state.ma.us>. Also, please feel free to share CZ-Mail with colleagues and friends—and if you have any suggestions for future editions or would like to make a change to your CZ-Mail subscription, please email your request to CZ-Mail at mass.gov<mailto:CZ-Mail at mass.gov?subject=December%202020%20CZ-Mail>. For daily updates from CZM, please follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/MassCZM>.
If the text of this email is not displaying properly, please see the online version<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/cz-mail-december-2020>.
Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan Review
The Oceans Act requires the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) to review the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan at least once every five years, and the review process for the 2015 version of the ocean plan is nearing completion. On behalf of EEA, CZM is providing notice of the availability of the draft document, “Review of the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - November 2020.” This document evaluates the current Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan and its key components, including the siting and management standards, delineation of critical coastal resources and maritime uses, Baseline Assessment, and Science Framework. The document, which was developed with support from the Ocean Advisory Commission and Ocean Science Advisory Council, also suggests a framework for ocean plan policy updates and priority science objectives over the next five years, incorporates stakeholder input, and reports on ocean plan progress to date.
An important part of the review process is to seek input on the draft review document through public comment. To view or download the document, see Review of the 2015 Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/review-of-the-2015-massachusetts-ocean-management-plan>. Please submit comments to Prassede Vella by December 14 at 5:00 p.m. by:
prassede.vella at mass.gov<mailto:prassede.vella at mass.gov>
Office of Coastal Zone Management
251 Causeway Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02114
Attn: Prassede Vella
New Seafloor Sediment and Imagery Data from Nantucket Sound
CZM and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have published Sea-Floor Sediment and Imagery Data Collected in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, 2016 and 2017<https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5f109b5d82ce21d4c4079711>, a dataset of sediment samples and photographs of the seafloor collected from 76 sampling sites in Nantucket Sound, along with seafloor videos that were collected at 75 of the sites. The sediment data, photos, and videos will be used in conjunction with high-resolution geophysical data for upcoming maps of sedimentary environments and to validate acoustic remote sensing data. For more information on CZM/USGS seafloor work, see CZM’s Seafloor Mapping Program website<https://www.mass.gov/seafloor-and-habitat-mapping-program> and the USGS Geologic Mapping of the Seafloor Offshore of Massachusetts website<https://www.usgs.gov/centers/whcmsc/science/geologic-mapping-massachusetts-seafloor>, or contact CZM’s Dan Sampson at daniel.sampson at mass.gov<mailto:daniel.sampson at mass.gov>.
Thank You COASTSWEEP Volunteers!
Every fall, thousands of people in Massachusetts volunteer for COASTSWEEP<https://www.mass.gov/coastsweep>—the statewide beach cleanup sponsored by CZM that is part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. For COASTSWEEP 2020, the focus was safety first in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, and volunteers were encouraged to hold household cleanups or small cleanups with appropriate safety precautions. While the numbers are still coming in, preliminary reports show that since August, more than 500 volunteers scoured 73 miles of coastline to collect over 7,600 pounds of trash. Thanks to all of you for finding a way to participate safely this year! CZM will start signups for the 2021 COASTSWEEP cleanups in June 2021. If you are interested in receiving information about volunteering or coordinating a cleanup, send your contact information to coastsweep at mass.gov<mailto:coastsweep at mass.gov>. And thank you to all of our volunteers throughout the years for your enthusiasm and commitment—stay safe, and we look forward to many years of COASTSWEEP to come!
CZM Offices Remain Closed
Due to COVID-19, all CZM offices remain closed for in-person services. Please see COVID-19: Status of Executive Branch Office Locations<https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-status-of-executive-branch-office-locations> for updates. During this time, CZM staff are working remotely and available to assist with coastal management issues. See Contact CZM<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/contact-czm> for details.
Grants/Funding/Proposal Opportunities
Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants - The EEA Division of Conservation Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants<https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-to-the-massachusetts-land-and-water-conservation-fund-grant-program>, which provide up to $1,000,000 in matching funds to state agencies and local governments to acquire and develop public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the virtual grant workshop on December 10 at 11:00 a.m. Please RSVP to Melissa Cryan at melissa.cryan at mass.gov<mailto:melissa.cryan at mass.gov> to receive the Zoom link. Applications are due by February 1, 2021, by 3:00 p.m.
Small Communities Grants - DCS is also seeking applications for the Fiscal Year 2021 Small Communities Grant Program<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/conservation-assistance-for-small-communities-grant-program>, which provides funding to municipalities with 6,000 or fewer residents to produce Open Space and Recreation Plans, complete other plans to facilitate land conservation, and/or prepare appraisals as required to apply for the other DCS grant programs<https://www.mass.gov/grant-programs-offered-by-the-division-of-conservation-services>. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The final deadline is May 7, 2021. See the application instructions<https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-to-the-conservation-assistance-for-small-communities-grant-program> for details.
MassTrails Grants - Communities, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations can apply for reimbursable, matching grants of $5,000-$300,000 to design, create, maintain, and support recreational trail and shared-use pathway projects in Massachusetts through the MassTrails<https://www.mass.gov/welcome-to-masstrails> program. See the MassTrails Grants Guide<https://www.mass.gov/guides/masstrails-grants> for application details and grant documents. Proposals must be submitted online by February 1, 2021.
Grants for Community Water Quality, Watershed, and Habitat Protection - The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Wildlife Habitat Council, in cooperation with EPA and partners, are seeking applications for the 2021 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program<https://www.nfwf.org/programs/five-star-and-urban-waters-restoration-grant-program/five-star-and-urban-waters-restoration-grant-program-2021-request-proposals>. These grants aim to develop capacity in communities to promote sustainable natural resource use. Projects focus on protecting water quality, watersheds, species, and habitats through restoration, community outreach, education, and stewardship. Awards from $20,000 to $50,000 will be granted for 12- to 18-month projects that start in late summer-early fall 2021. Eligible applicants include nonprofits, state agencies, local and municipal governments, Indian tribes, and schools. Full proposals are due by January 28, 2021.
Reminders - These opportunities, listed in the last CZ-Mail, are still available:
Shellfish Aquaculture Partnership Funding - The National Sea Grant Office and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Acidification Program are seeking proposals to fund collaborations between researchers and the shellfish aquaculture industry to study how ocean and coastal acidification and other stressors impact shellfish aquaculture. Approximately $2,000,000 is expected to be available to support up to six projects at approximately $100,000-$300,000 per year for one to three years. For more information, see the full grant opportunity<https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=329496>. Submit Letters of Intent by December 15 to oar.hq.sg.aquaculture at noaa.gov<mailto:oar.hq.sg.aquaculture at noaa.gov>.
Marine Debris Research Funding - The NOAA Marine Debris Program<https://marinedebris.noaa.gov/funding/funding-opportunities> is seeking proposals to support marine debris research through field, laboratory, and modeling experiments that explore the ecological risk, exposure levels, fate and transport of debris in coastal environments, and/or habitat impacts of marine debris. For more information, see the federal funding opportunity<https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=329047>. Proposals are due by February 8, 2021.
Online Tools and Resources
Cape Cod Climate Action Podcasts - The Cape Cod Climate Action Podcast Series<https://www.capecodcommission.org/our-work/cape-cod-climate-action-podcast/> follows the Cape Cod Commission’s work on climate change resiliency. The first five episodes discuss municipal vulnerability preparedness, historic structures in flood zones, regional transit adaptation, a Cape Cod Climate Action Plan, and a greenhouse gas emission inventory for Cape Cod.
NOAA Marine Debris Blog - Recent posts in the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s Marine Debris Blog<https://blog.marinedebris.noaa.gov/> include the 2020 NOAA Marine Debris Program Accomplishments Report, along with a post on efforts to partner with indigenous communities to address marine debris. All blog topics can be searched by category and date. To receive notifications of new posts, sign up for email updates<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNOAANOS/subscriber/new?topic_id=USNOAANOS_77>.
New Resources and Data from NOAA Digital Coast - NOAA’s Digital Coast<https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/> has posted these new resources:
Social Science Basics for Coastal Managers<https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/training/social-science-basics-virtual.html> - This instructor-led online training is available to interested hosts and presents information on how to understand the values, knowledge, and attitudes of coastal residents for better coastal zone management. Three modules are available—Understanding Stakeholders, Conducting Interviews, and Writing Effective Survey Questions.
New and updated data sets<https://mcusercontent.com/464fe79c76462192284bfd65a/files/0c489fbe-a5ef-4e39-ba6d-d3f002c97dec/DCC_Nov20_data.pdf> (PDF, 126 KB)
Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative Assessment Report - The Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative has released its 2020 Assessment Report<http://www.massshellfishinitiative.org/uploads/1/0/4/9/104987295/assessment_committee_report_2020.pdf> (PDF, 6 MB), which presents a review of shellfish management in Massachusetts focusing on shellfish resources, shellfish fisheries, shellfish aquaculture, public health, and shellfish planting and propagation.
Resilient Coastal Communities Report - The Environmental and Energy Study Institute has released A Resilient Future for Coastal Communities: Federal Policy Recommendations from Solutions in Practice<https://www.eesi.org/papers/view/a-resilient-future-for-coastal-communities>, a report with 30 specific policy recommendations to support resilience to extreme weather, erosion, flooding, sea level rise, and other hazards exacerbated by climate change.
Newsletters and Other Periodicals
Coastal Impacts - The October 2020 issue of Coastal Impacts<https://seagrant.whoi.edu/news-and-events/coastal-impacts-newsletter/>, the newsletter of Woods Hole Sea Grant, includes articles on cranberry bog restoration in southeastern Massachusetts; Sea Grant efforts to improve science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education through the Teacher-in-Residence Program; and other Woods Hole Sea Grant news and updates.
Neponset River Watershed News - The November 2020 update<https://mailchi.mp/neponset/may-3241312?e=caa684645d> from the Neponset River Watershed Association includes stories on the Climate Ready Dorchester report, the October Water Quality Report for the Neponset River, Milton’s approval of the Community Preservation Act, and other Neponset River news, events, and updates.
NOAA HabitatNews - The November 2020 issue of HabitatNews<https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNOAAFISHERIES/bulletins/2aa7b99>, a newsletter of the NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Restoration, includes articles on the Veteran’s Conservation Corps, the National Fish Habitat Partnership, efforts to restore Atlantic sturgeon on the east coast, and other marine fisheries habitat news.
The Skimmer on Marine Ecosystems and Management - The October-November 2020 edition of The Skimmer on Marine Ecosystems and Management<https://meam.openchannels.org/meam/issue/october-november-2020-141>, the monthly newsletter on ocean planning and ecosystem-based management from the University of Washington School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, explores how social science is helping with marine ecosystem conservation and management, as well as other ocean resources and news.
USGS Sound Waves - This October-November 2020 issue of Sound Waves<https://www.usgs.gov/newsletter/sound-waves-newsletter-october-november-2020>, a USGS newsletter, includes articles on what motivates USGS scientists to choose careers studying oceans and coasts, mapping the Alaska coastline, investigations into recent seismic activity in Puerto Rico, and other coastal and marine research news.
Jobs/Internship Postings
Director of Climate Resilience - The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is seeking a Director of Climate Resilience to develop an agency framework to ensure climate change considerations are incorporated into DCR initiatives and projects. The Director will collaborate with all programs within DCR, the EEA Director of Climate Adaptation and Resilience, and other state agencies to accomplish climate resiliency goals. Also, the Director will be responsible for management of projects, contracts, and associated budgets to meet deadlines and accomplish established goals. For more information, see the position posting<https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=200007J9&tz=GMT-06%3A00&tzname=America%2FChicago&src=JB-10080>.
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration Positions - The Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration<https://www.mass.gov/orgs/division-of-ecological-restoration> (DER) is seeking applications for two open positions:
DER Assistant Director of Operations - DER is seeking an Assistant Director (AD) for Operations to work with Director and Deputy Director to guide DER’s efforts. The AD will manage a three-person fiscal team to oversee fiscal planning, budgeting, procurement, grant management, information technology, human resources, internal policy development, and office logistics. The AD will also lead initiatives to improve DER efficiency and will oversee day-to-day operations and coordinate strategic and work planning. For more information and to apply, see the job announcement<https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=200007NW>.
DER Fiscal Manager - DER is also seeking a Fiscal Manager to supervise two fiscal staff and oversee and guide DER’s fiscal activities. Responsibilities include, operational, capital, and grant budgeting and management; procurement; and overall management and supervision of DER’s fiscal team. The Fiscal Manager works to align DER’s financial activities to support its mission, programs, and activities and to comply with state requirements and department priorities. DER’s fiscal team manages over $10 million per year in federal grants, operational, and capital funds. For details, see the job posting<https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=200007NV>.
For questions about either position, please contact DER Director Beth Lambert at beth.lambert at mass.gov<mailto:beth.lambert at mass.gov> or (617) 455-2209.
Permit Specialist - The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) is seeking a Permit Specialist to administer the DMF special permits program with a focus on fish weir and scientific collection permits. Candidates must be familiar with both state and municipal requirements for these permits and be able to independently review and issue permits according to DMF policies and procedures. For details and to apply, see the position announcement<https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=200006TR>.
Resource Protection Specialist - The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary in Scituate is seeking a Resource Protection Specialist to ensure sanctuary activities comply with applicable regulations, manage activities to enhance and protect sanctuary resources, oversee sanctuary financial management system, and support partnerships that carry out resource protection goals of the sanctuary. For complete position details, see the job posting<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/584293100>.
Rockport Conservation Agent - The town of Rockport is seeking a full-time Conservation Agent to plan, organize, direct, supervise, and administer the comprehensive program for the protection of Rockport’s natural resources, in accordance with state and local statutes. Duties include processing wetlands applications and permits, conducting site inspections and field investigations, enforcing Conservation Commission decisions, and assisting applicants with permit preparation related to wetland regulatory issues. For details, see the Rockport Job & Volunteer Opportunities page<https://www.rockportma.gov/home/pages/job-volunteer-opportunities>. Applications are due by December 16.
Regulatory Decisions
Decision Issued on Harbor Plan for Cohasset Harbor - On November 25, the Decision on the Request for Approval of the Cohasset Municipal Harbor Plan<https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2020/11/25/cohasset-mhp-decision-11-25-20.pdf> (PDF, 618 KB) (Plan) was issued by the Secretary of EEA. The Plan encompasses the waterfront area from Howard Gleason Road, Margin Street, Border Street, and Otis Street including the waters of Cohasset Harbor, Cohasset Cove, and Bailey Creek. The Plan builds on prior planning initiatives for the area, including the 1980 Harbor Plan and the Town of Cohasset Community Resiliency Building workshop. The Secretary’s Decision approves the Plan, provides guidance on the overarching implementation of the Plan, and contains specific requirements to improve public access and reduce building heights along portions of the Harbor. The Decision can be found on the Public Notices section of the Office of Coastal Zone Management’s website<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/czm-public-notices>. For questions, please contact Jason Burtner, South Shore Regional Coordinator, at jason.burtner at mass.gov<mailto:jason.burtner at mass.gov>.
Decision Issued on Harbor Plan for Lynn Harbor - On November 25, the Decision on the Request for Approval of the Lynn Municipal Harbor Plan and Designated Port Area (DPA) Master Plan Renewal<https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2020/11/25/lynn-mhp-decision-11-25-20.pdf> (PDF, 624 KB) (Plan) was issued by the Secretary of EEA. The Plan encompasses the waterfront area from the General Edwards Bridge at the mouth of the Saugus River to the Nahant border. The Plan builds on prior planning initiatives and seeks to implement the goals of the 2019 Waterfront Master Plan and the 2019 Waterfront Open Space Master Plan (WOSMP) to create a mixed-use district for housing, retail, commercial, and industrial uses, while creating appealing open spaces that are accessible to all members of the public. The Plan also includes a DPA Master Plan that details a strategy to preserve and enhance the capacity of the DPA to accommodate water-dependent industry and prevent substantial displacement of these activities by nonwater-dependent uses. The Secretary’s Decision approves the Plan and contains requirements to improve public access within a focus area along the waterfront from the General Edwards Bridge to Lynn Heritage State Park. Improvements to public access include: an increase in the minimum area reserved for public access; an increase in the minimum waterfront walkway width; specific design standards for open space and walkways; prioritization for lateral public access to the waterfront; and mechanisms to implement nature-based shoreline protection strategies where feasible. The Decision can be found on the Public Notices section of the Office of Coastal Zone Management’s website<https://www.mass.gov/service-details/czm-public-notices>. For questions, please contact Kathryn Glenn, North Shore Regional Coordinator, at kathryn.glenn at mass.gov<mailto:kathryn.glenn at mass.gov>.
Calendar - Individual Events and Announcements
Please note: Due to COVID-19, social distancing recommendations and requirements are in place. Consequently, many events are conducted virtually. For this edition of CZ-Mail, events are listed by announced date with a link to more information.
Deep Ocean to Outer Space: Plastic Pollution Solutions<https://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/ppc-webinar-120420> - December 4, webinar sponsored by the Plastic Pollution Coalition.
EBC Water Resources Webinar: The Clean Water Act at (Almost) 50 - How Federal Water Law Continues to Evolve and Affect the Manufacturing and Energy Sectors and Related Infrastructure Projects<https://ebcne.org/event/ebc-water-resources-webinar-the-clean-water-act-at-almost-50-how-federal-water-law-continues-to-evolve-and-affect-infrastructure-development/?instance_id=13325> - December 8, webinar sponsored by the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC).
Towards a Global Monitoring of Marine Litter<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLXW7rrlIhw> - December 8, webinar presented by Ocean Plastic Webinars.
Sustainable Ocean Summit 2020<https://www.sustainableoceansummit.org/> - December 8-11, virtual conference sponsored by the World Ocean Council.
Green Solutions for a Waterfront City<https://onewaterfront.thetrustees.org/speaker-series/2020/6/10/green-solutions-for-a-waterfront-city> - December 9, webinar sponsored by the Trustees of Reservations.
Managing Nutrient Loads to Large Waterbodies: Integrating Watershed and Coastal Perspectives<https://necsc.umass.edu/webinars/variation-nutrient-loading-among-lake-michigan-watersheds-disentangling-land-use-and> - December 9, webinar presented by the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center.
Practitioner Guide to Assessing Connection to Nature<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-workshop-practitioner-guide-to-assessing-connection-to-nature-tickets-131114907217> - December 9, virtual workshop presented by the New England Environmental Education Conference.
EBC Climate Change Webinar: The Option of a Boston Harbor Regional “Layered Defense” Coastal Resilience System<https://ebcne.org/event/ebc-climate-change-webinar-the-option-of-a-boston-harbor-regional-layered-defense-coastal-resilience-system/?instance_id=> - December 10, webinar sponsored by EBC.
Hazard Mitigation - Why Now?<https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1962019536851809806> - December 10, webinar sponsored by EPA.
Charlestown Climate Resilience & Open Space Workshop<http://www.bostonplans.org/news-calendar/calendar/2020/12/16/plan-charlestown-climate-resilience-open-space-wor> - December 16, workshop sponsored by the Boston Planning & Development Agency.
MACC Conference—Request for Proposals<https://www.maccweb.org/news/541378/Request-for-Proposals-MACC-Annual-Conference-Due-121820.htm> - April 2021, virtual conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC). Proposals are due by December 18.
Stormwater Conference—Call for Abstracts<https://www.stormcon.com/> - September 13-15, 2021, sponsored by StormCon and held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Submissions are due by December 18.
EBC Leadership Webinar: Update from the MassDEP Headquarters Leadership Team with Keynote Speaker - Commissioner Martin Suuberg<https://ebcne.org/event/ebc-leadership-webinar-update-from-the-massdep-headquarters-leadership-team-with-keynote-speaker-commissioner-martin-suuberg/?instance_id=> - January 7, webinar presented by EBC.
Managed Retreat Conference—Call for Sessions and Abstracts<https://adaptation.ei.columbia.edu/content/2021-conference-homepage> - June 29-July 1, 2021, virtual conference sponsored by Columbia University. Sessions and abstracts are due by January 15, 2021.
EBC Leadership Webinar: Massachusetts Environmental and Energy Agenda for 2021<https://ebcne.org/event/ebc-leadership-webinar-massachusetts-environmental-and-energy-agenda-for-2021/?instance_id=13436> - January 20, 2021, webinar sponsored by EBC.
NEWEA Annual Conference<https://annualconference.newea.org/> - January 26 and 28 and February 2 and 4, virtual conference sponsored by the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA).
IECA Annual Conference<https://www.ieca.org/IECA/IECA_Events/2021_Events/2021_Virtual_Annual_Conference.aspx> - February 22-25, 2021, virtual conference sponsored by the International Erosion Control Association (IECA).
Reminders - The following calendar items posted previously in CZ-Mail are still to come:
2020 Virtual Youth Ocean Conservation Summit<http://www.yocs.org/2020-summit.html> - December 4-5, in partnership with Mote Marine Laboratory and held virtually.
The Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing Buyouts<https://hazards.colorado.edu/training/webinars/opportunities-and-challenges-associated-with-implementing-buyouts> - December 8, webinar presented by the Natural Hazards Center.
National Watershed & Stormwater Conference—Call for Abstracts<https://www.cwp.org/2021-conference-abstracts/> - April 13-16, 2021, sponsored by the Center for Watershed Protection and held in St. Petersburg, Florida. Abstracts are due by December 30.
Calendar - Multiple/Ongoing Events
Please note: Due to COVID-19, social distancing recommendations and requirements are in place. Consequently, many events are being conducted virtually. For this edition of CZ-Mail, announced events are listed alphabetically with a link to more information.
Buzzards Bay Events<https://www.savebuzzardsbay.org/events/> - Events in the Buzzards Bay area compiled by the Buzzards Bay Coalition.
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History Programs<http://www.ccmnh.org/Events> - A calendar of events at the museum.
Climate Change Webinar Series for Southern New England Local Government Leaders<https://climateofficers.org/snep> - Webinars presented by the Association of Climate Change Officers.
Climate Resilience Speaker Series<https://storm-surge.org/event-calendar/> - Monthly webinars presented by Storm Surge Climate Stewards.
Conservation Commission Education - Workshops, webinars, and trainings scheduled across Massachusetts and posted by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. See the MACC Complete Education Catalog<https://www.maccweb.org/page/EDMACCCatalog> and Community Calendar<https://www.maccweb.org/events/event_list.asp>.
Ecosystems Center and Semester in Environmental Science Webinars<https://www.mbl.edu/education/ecosystems-ses-webinars/> - An online series presented by the Marine Biological Laboratory.
Ipswich River Watershed Events<https://www.ipswichriver.org/events/> - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Ipswich River Watershed Association.
Mass Audubon Cape Cod Walks, Lectures, and Events - Programs for children and adults hosted by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary<https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/wellfleet-bay/programs-classes-activities> and Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary<https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/long-pasture/programs-classes-activities>.
Mass Audubon Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary Programs and Activities<https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/ipswich-river/programs-classes-activities> - Programs for children and adults in and around Ipswich.
Mass Audubon Joppa Flats Education Center Programs and Events<https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/joppa-flats/programs-classes-activities> - Programs for children and adults in and around Newburyport.
Mass Audubon North River Wildlife Sanctuary Activities and Events<https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/north-river/programs-classes-activities> - Programs for children and adults in and around Marshfield.
MIT Climate Action Symposia<https://climate.mit.edu/symposia> - Climate change webinars presented this fall by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mystic River Watershed Events<https://mysticriver.org/calendar> - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Mystic River Watershed Association.
National Marine Sanctuaries Webinars<https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/education/teachers/webinar-series.html> - Periodic webinars hosted by the sanctuary system.
NOAA Coastal Training and Learning Resources<https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/training/calendar.html> - A range of training opportunities from NOAA’s Digital Coast.
NOAA Planet Stewards Educator Events<https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/planet-stewards/welcome.html> - Webinars, workshops, and book club sessions from the NOAA Planet Stewards Education Project.
North and South Rivers Watershed Association Events<https://www.nsrwa.org/events/> - Events listings on the South Shore.
OneNOAA Science Seminars<https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/seminars/> - Webinars and seminars on science and climate issues from several NOAA partners.
Restoration Webinar Series<https://doilearn2.webex.com/mw3300/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=doilearn2&service=6&rnd=0.9063110198514887&main_url=https://doilearn2.webex.com/ec3300/eventcenter/program/programDetail.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26internalProgramTicket%3D4832534b00000002854ae1ae433c5b224f2cd42bd62454c170c6a732cdd4c4ce345037239c70413e%26siteurl%3Ddoilearn2%26internalProgramTicketUnList%3D4832534b00000002854ae1ae433c5b224f2cd42bd62454c170c6a732cdd4c4ce345037239c70413e%26cProgViewID%3D16642%26PRID%3Da46e886720adc872a2d818455419d836> - Webinars hosted by NOAA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Salem Sound COASTWATCH Community Calendar<http://www.salemsound.org/calendar.html#December> - Events posted in the Salem Sound region.
Watershed Wednesdays<https://www.neponset.org/watershedwednesday/> - Lunchtime webinars presented by the Neponset River Watershed Association.
Winter Walks on Nantucket<https://www.nantucketconservation.org/events/walking-tours/winter-walking-tours/> - Free walks through the winter from the Nantucket Conservation Foundation.
Other Items of Interest
Coastal Wetlands Scholarship - The Garden Club of America is seeking applicants for a Coastal Wetlands Studies Scholarship<http://www.vims.edu/ccrm/outreach/gca/index.php>, which will provide a $5,000 stipend to one graduate student to support field-based coastal wetland research in the United States. Applications are due by January 15, 2021.
Thoreau Foundation Scholarships - The Henry David Thoreau Foundation<https://www.thoreauscholar.org/> is now accepting applications from top Massachusetts high school seniors who plan to study environmental issues in college. Selected Thoreau Scholars will receive a four-year scholarship up to $20,000, eligibility for an environmental internship stipend, and access to the scholar alumni network. Applications<https://www.thoreauscholar.org/undergraduate-scholarships/application> are due by February 1, 2021.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts - Charles D. Baker, Governor
Karyn E. Polito, Lieutenant Governor
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs - Kathleen A. Theoharides, Secretary
Office of Coastal Zone Management - Lisa Berry Engler, Director
Editor - Robin Lacey<mailto:robin.lacey at mass.gov?subject=December%202020%20CZ-Mail>
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
251 Causeway Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02114-2136
(617) 626-1200
CZM Information Line - (617) 626-1212
CZM Website - www.mass.gov/czm<https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-office-of-coastal-zone-management>
A publication of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management pursuant
to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA20NOS4190039.
This publication is funded (in part) by a grant/cooperative agreement from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA.
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