[SEMCO] School-year Residential Teacher/Naturalist

Eleanor Moody moodye at dy-regional.k12.ma.us
Sun Aug 5 13:25:46 EDT 2018

The N.E.E.D. (National Environmental Education Development) Academy, in Truro, is seeking enthusiastic, skilled Teacher-Naturalists for the 2018-19 school year.
The NEED Academy is a small residential environmental education school, housed in a retired Coast Guard Station within the Cape Cod National Seashore. The program serves 5th grade students from 3 school districts. Our total group size each week is less than 30 students. Teaching groups are 8-12 students.
Teacher/Naturalists lead 3 hikes/lessons per day for their teaching group, rotating off for one day and one evening during the week. Teachers develop and present experiential lessons based on the MA Education Frameworks (NGSS) and centered on the local environments (Beach & Dune, Dune Forest, Kettlehole pond, Freshwater Swamps) and history (Pilgrims, Shipwrecks & U.S. Lifesaving Service). Lessons also include: Nightwalk, Group Dynamics, and Pizza Making. Staff members are also responsible on a rotating basis for helping with meal preparation and serving, bedtime duties, group supervision during short bus trips to various natural and historical areas of the outer Cape, and the overall care and maintenance of the facility.
<https://sites.google.com/dy-regional.k12.ma.us/need-academy-grade-5-seashore/home>NEED Academy~the 5th grade Seashore Trip
Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree. A background/experience in natural history interpretation, marine science, or general ecology will be given precedence--experience with youth, residential camping, and facilitating team building preferred. CPR & First Aid certification required. Strong candidates will have a love of being outdoors in all kinds of weather on the great outer beach of the Cape Cod National Seashore.
Dates: September 8, 2018 - mid-June 2019. One week off at Thanksgiving, at Christmas/New Years, and February Break. (Week of President's Day)
Salary and Benefits: ~ $525 per week, plus private room and board. Health, Life, and Dental Insurance are available. Good food, great views, and generally likable kids. Fresh air and plenty of exercise are guaranteed.
Apply to: Eleanor Moody, Director NEED Academy PO Box 896 Truro, MA. 02666-0896 or e-mail to:<moodye at dy-regional.k12.ma.us> moodye at dy-regional.k12.ma.us
Eleanor Moody
NEED Academy
PO Box 896
Truro, MA 02666
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is
exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different
kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
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