[SEMCO] Job Opening - Program Director, Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Grant Program

Jeffrey M. Brodeur jbrodeur at whoi.edu
Thu Sep 7 17:04:02 EDT 2017

Program Director 
Southeast New England Coastal Watershed 
Restoration Grant Program 

Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) is the country’s leading non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of bays and estuaries as essential resources for our nation. RAE leads an alliance of ten community-based organizations representing our nation’s greatest estuaries and leads strategic initiatives to advance coastal restoration nationwide. For more information on RAE, please see our website, www.estuaries.org. 


The US EPA has selected RAE to administer the Coastal Watershed Restoration Grant Program for its Southeast New England Program (SNEP). RAE seeks an experienced senior-level individual who is organized, enthusiastic, and technically oriented to plan, launch, implement, and manage this program. The selected individual will represent RAE and lead the program from southeast New England. The SNEP is a geographically-based program and its goals are to serve as a collaborative framework for advancing ecosystem resiliency; protecting and restoring water quality, habitat, and ecosystem function; and developing and applying innovative policy, science, and technology to environmental management in the region. The objectives under these goals include improving water quality to reduce the impact of nutrients on aquatic life; restoring physical processes that support critical habitat and ecosystem function; and measuring, monitoring, and reporting change in condition and effectiveness of actions. 
The primary duties of this position will be 1) to collaborate with EPA and other agencies to create a protection and restoration strategy that addresses SNEP priorities for coastal ecosystems and their watersheds, and 2) to implement and administer a subaward grant program to support projects that will advance this strategy. 
The SNEP Director will report to RAE’s President and is expected to work closely with other staff and consultants. The specific areas of focus for the successful candidate will include: 
 Prepare and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for new subaward program to advance SNEP priorities; 
 Establish review criteria and expert panels for evaluating and selecting subawardee proposals; 
 Establish guidelines for the program; 
 Oversee selection and granting of subawards, and monitor progress of subawardees toward proposed goals and objectives; 
 Provide technical support to subawardees by coordinating outreach, training, information resources, and peer-to-peer tech transfer, including convening at 

least sub-annual and annual regional meetings for subawardees to learn from each other; 
 Qualitatively and quantitatively measure and report the outputs and outcomes of the environmental results of the SNEP projects accomplished through the subawards; 
 Actively facilitate and support the creation of partnerships and networking among subawardees to develop and commit to future partnering and implementation efforts; 
 Communicate, transfer, and expand the successes of the subaward projects and the SNEP ecosystem-based approach by conducting outreach through traditional and new media, webinars, and in-person networking and presentations; 
 Participate with the SNEP steering committee and appropriate subcommittees (e.g., policy, ecosystem services, and monitoring); 
 Work with other RAE staff to ensure monies to subaward recipients are dispensed in a timely manner to reduce unliquidated obligations and as required by applicable grant regulations; and 
 Ensure that subaward activities align with the SNEP priorities identified in program RFA and/or in ongoing communication with EPA staff. 

This is a full-time position with generous benefits. Salary range is $80,000 to $90,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Preferred start date is October 2017. 

Within the SNEP geographic area between Westerly, Rhode Island, and Chatham, Massachusetts. 

Preference will be given to candidates with the following qualifications: 
 Excellent organizational skills 
 Exceptional attention to detail 
 Demonstrated commitment to conservation and a tenacious work ethic 
 Friendly and professional attitude 
 Experience developing Quality Management Plans and Quality Assurance Project Plans 
 Ability to take initiative and work independently 
 10 years’ professional experience 
 Strong written and verbal communication skills 
 Experience with ongoing water quality and habitat issues facing southeast New England 
 Relevant advanced degree in science or engineering 


Please send resume and cover letter to apply at estuaries.org with “Program Director” in the subject line. Please do not contact the office directly.

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