[SEMCO] Final Blue Economy Listening Sessions, tonight, next week

Bert Jackson bert at capecodchamber.org
Wed Oct 26 08:15:41 EDT 2016

The Blue Economy Project, an initiative of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, is holding a series of Listening Sessions throughout Cape Cod, the Islands and Plymouth. The sessions will feature an overview of the Blue Economy Project, followed by an interactive facilitated session to get your feedback of how the Blue Economy impacts your work, your business and your way of life.

The final sessions include:

Chatham Recreation/Community Center: Wednesday, October 26 (tonight!)
Oak Bluffs Public Library, Martha’s Vineyard: Tuesday, November 1
White Elephant Village Conference Center, Nantucket: Wednesday, November 2

We will be reporting out on the results of the sessions at the Cape Coastal Conference in Hyannis December 6.

Sessions are free, but registration is requested at bluecapecod.org/listen.

Pizza, beverages and networking start at 5:30PM, session runs 6–8.

The Blue Economy Project is an initiative funded by the Seaport Economic Council to promote and sustain a maritime focused economy in the greater Cape Cod region. It builds on existing sustainable tourism efforts, our world class marine research community and technology cluster, and dedication to preserving our environment and quality of life. It also aims for full inclusion with existing economic and environmental planning efforts in the region. The Blue Economy will help ensure that the region is a sustainable, vibrant and desirable place to live-work-play and create. Its mission is to leverage our water based assets and entrepreneurial spirit to ensure a more stable, sustainable and vibrant economy.

Bert Jackson
Director of Community Engagement
Blue Economy Project

an initiative of the
5 Patti Page Way
Centerville, MA 02632
Direct: (508) 237-5640
bert at capecodchamber.org


Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/bluecapecod/>
@capeBlueEconomy <https://twitter.com/capeblueeconomy>
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7065277>

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