[SEMCO] Stormwater utility workshop on April 28

Jo Ann Muramoto jmuramoto at apcc.org
Fri Mar 25 10:27:10 EDT 2016

The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance has once again teamed up with Baystate
Roads and a diverse group of partner organizations to offer a workshop on
stormwater utilities on Cape Cod. This workshop is aimed at municipal staff
and officials, environmental and engineering consultants, planners, state
agency staff, and environmental organizations.

A full-day workshop is scheduled for *April 28 in Hyannis*, and will focus
on how to develop a stormwater utility and how to work with your community
to make it happen.  The workshop will feature guidance from regional
planners, consultants, and municipal staff who have experience in this
area, and who will be sharing information, advice, and stories from their
own communities.

For more information and to register, go to
http://baystateroads.eot.state.ma.us/workshops/ .  Please share this with
your networks and with anyone you know who might be interested.

Jo Ann

*Jo Ann Muramoto, Ph.D., **Director of Science Programs*
*Mass Bays Program Regional Coordinator, Cape Cod*
*Association to Preserve Cape Cod*
*P.O. Box 398, **3010 Main Street*
*Barnstable, MA 02630, **(**508) 362-4226, ext.16,  **jmuramoto at apcc.org
<jmuramoto at apcc.org>  *
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