Joanne Tromp jtromp at whoi.edu
Mon Jun 6 12:39:24 EDT 2016

*PEANUT BUTTER CLUB*: Presents Camrin Braun, PhD student in the WHOI 
Joint Program. Camrin will be discussing his new ProjectWHOI 
crowdfunding campaign “The Secret Lives of Sharks”**on Friday, June 10, 
at noon, in Redfield Auditorium, 45 Water St., Woods Hole. Think about 
top predators in the ocean. Something at the apex of the food chain, 
that swims wherever it wants and truly rules the sea. What comes to 
mind? Most people would answer sharks. Maybe even great white sharks. 
Yet if we boil down every piece of information that scientists 
understand about the iconic great white shark it would comprise only a 
few short sentences describing how white sharks move (in some places), a 
few ideas about what they might eat (in some places), and where they 
might have nursery habitat for their young (you guessed it, only in some 
places). That is all we know about the world-renowned great white shark. 
We have no generalizable knowledge about what they eat or their feeding 
behaviors, no knowledge of where they go to mate or to breed, and 
absolutely no answers to “why” they do almost anything. How do they 
navigate? Which habitats do they use, when and why? Does their diet 
change as they get older/bigger? The list of questions goes on and on. 
And remember this is the state of the art for great white sharks, a name 
that almost anyone recognizes. Our lack of knowledge is far 
more**profound for**almost all other shark species.**We seek to deploy 
cutting-edge, satellite-based tags on sharks in our backyard on Cape Cod 
to see where they go and to figure out why. Essentially, we're tracking 
sharks in our local waters from space! Are they staying close to home 
where we can closely monitor and protect them? Or are they wandering the 
high seas, encountering thousands (or even millions?) of hooks from 
foreign fishing vessels, and ending up in the Hong Kong market as a 
stack of dried fins? For more information, visit 
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