[SEMCO] Butterfly Counts July 16 and 23.

Alison Robb nature at cape.com
Wed Jul 13 15:45:09 EDT 2016

Hello all butterfliers and those who would like to learn more.

There are two counts to go in July, and we need participants to help  
spot and identify butterflies in the field.
We do not catch any of them, but we have binoculars and can identify  
them that way.

It is a great adventure and the weather should be good this  
weekend.   The count results go the the
North American Butterfly Association and are recorded and studied  
year after year.

Bring binoculars, a hat, water and a snack as it may go for 3 hours  
or so.

Alison Robb, naturalist
nature at cape.com

FALMOUTH. July 16, Saturday, 2016, (Monday July 20, rain date.) 10:00  
am. Falmouth. Tor Hansen, leader.  Please register ahead of time if  
possible. torhansen46 at gmail.com  Directions:  Crane WMA, Rte. 151,  
Falmouth. Turn north between the baseball field and what was  the  
Nickelodeon theater, across from Ranch Rd.  Go to the gate, park on  
the right.

BREWSTER, July 23, 2016, Saturday, (July 24, Saturday, rain date).  
9:00 am. Brewster for the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History.
Joe Dwelly, leader.   Please register with   Joe Dwelly:    
joedwelly at yahoo.com
Directions: Take Exit 9B off Rte 6 and follow Rte 134 North to Rte  
6A, then turn east and follow 6A to The Museum, on the left at 869  
Rte. 6A, Brewster.
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