[SEMCO] Winer Solstice Celebration at Green Briar

Joan DiPersio joan at thorntonburgess.org
Fri Dec 2 14:59:42 EST 2016

FOR RELEASE: DEC. 2016                      CONTACT:  Joan DiPersio

Thornton W. Burgess Society




Winter officially arrives, and families are invited to join the naturalist
in a Solstice Ceremony by firelight on Wednesday, December 21 from 6:00pm to
7:00pm at the Green Briar Nature Center in East Sandwich.  Sit around the
fireplace while we burn holly and acorns, ancient symbols of the season, and
sing yuletide songs.   Then go outside briefly to scatter bird seed through
the garden whispering "Happy Solstice."  Bring flashlights and dress for the
weather as we embrace the longest night of the year.  The fee for Thornton
W. Burgess Society members is $4 per person or $16 per family; non-members
$5 per person or $20 per family.  Advance reservations are required by
calling 508-888-6870.





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