[SEMCO] NOAA Funding Opportunities

Jeffrey M. Brodeur jbrodeur at whoi.edu
Wed Aug 3 15:53:25 EDT 2016

A Federal Funding Opportunity (NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2017-2004943) has been posted at grants.gov <http://www.grants.gov/> requesting proposals for two NOAA funding programs.

Prevention, Control, and Mitigation of HABs (PCMHAB) requests proposals for developing, demonstrating, and transferring to end users new methods for monitoring HAB toxins in shellfish and other animals consumed by humans in order to protect public health.  Proposals will be required to address research priorities  <http://www.issc.org/publications/HarmfulAlgaeBloomInformation.aspx>developed by the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Commission (ISSC).  Depending on the maturity of the method Phase 1 proposals must demonstrate familiarity with the process of ISSC review of a method and adoption into the NSSP for regulatory use, Phase 2 projects must provide a detailed plan for obtaining ISSC adoption, and Phase 3 projects must implement the plan. Approximately 3-6 projects 2-3 years in duration are expected to be funded at a level not to exceed $100,000 per year per proposal. A total of up to approximately $300,000 may be available in Fiscal Year 2017 for the first year for all PCMHAB projects. A short letter of intent is required, due 5 pm Sept. 2, 2016.  Proposals are due 5 pm Nov. 2, 2016.
Ecology and Oceanography of HABs (ECOHAB) requests proposals that address

1)  Quantitative understanding of HABs and, where applicable their toxins, in relation to the surrounding environment the intent of developing new information and tools, predictive models and forecasts, and prevention strategies to aid managers in coastal environments; and

2) Understanding leading to models of trophic transfer of toxins, knowledge of biosynthesis and metabolism of toxins, and assessment of impacts of toxins on higher trophic levels.  The program has a number of specific priorities.  Approximately 4-5 targeted projects for approximately 2-4 years in duration are expected to be funded at a level not to exceed $250,000 per year per proposal or $750,000 per proposal.  It is anticipated that up to approximately $1,000,000 may be available in Fiscal Year 2017 for the first year for all ECOHAB projects.  No letter of intent is required for this program.  Proposal are due 5 pm Nov. 2, 2016. 

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