[SEMCO] Buzzards Bay Watershed Municipal Mini-grant Program RFP released - Proposals due June 2 by 4:00 pm

Williams, Sarah (ENV) sarah.williams at state.ma.us
Wed Apr 27 10:59:03 EDT 2016

The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program (NEP) has issued a request for proposals for the FY17 Buzzards Bay Watershed Municipal Mini-grant Program. This grant program provides financial and technical resources to municipalities for projects that help meet the Buzzards Bay NEP's goals to protect and restore water quality and living resources in Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed. It is anticipated that a total of $223,323 in federal funds will be available.

The solicitation is open to all municipalities within the Buzzards Bay watershed, including Fall River, Westport, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Acushnet, Fairhaven, Rochester, Mattapoisett, Marion, Wareham, Middleborough, Carver, Plymouth, Bourne, Falmouth, and Gosnold. However, specific restoration and protection projects must lie principally within the Buzzards Bay watershed boundary.
Eligible projects include:

1.      Stormwater remediation designs for discharges affecting marine waters,

2.      Implementation and construction of existing stormwater designs for discharges affecting marine waters,

3.      Water quality or living resource monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of actions previously funded by the Buzzards Bay NEP ($25,000 limit per project, not to exceed $75,000 in this category for this solicitation),

4.      Wetland/open space/habitat restoration, preservation, acquisition or protection,

5.      Update or digitizing of wetland boundaries or land elevations from wetland permits,

6.      Migratory fish passage and habitat restoration,

7.      Construction of a boat pump-out facility in a municipality or harbor when none exists,

8.      Creation of online reporting systems for tracking of operation, maintenance and monitoring of innovative and alternative septic systems,

9.      Projects that, through direct action, mitigate for or restore: coastal waters, coastal resources, freshwaters, or freshwater resources adversely affected by nutrient loading (nitrogen or phosphorus pollution), and

10.   Other activities in support of the Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.

The deadline for proposals is June 2, 2016 by 4:00 pm. Applicants must provide a non-federal match that will equal or exceed 33% of requested funds. Municipalities may submit any number of applications per grant category, and they may receive more than one grant; however, no single grant award may exceed $35,000, and no municipality may be awarded more than $60,000 cumulatively through this solicitation. Contracts will last approximately 10 ½ months, with an anticipated start date of August 15, 2016 and an end date of June 30, 2017.

Go to http://www.buzzardsbay.org/funding.htm for more information.

Sarah B. Williams  |  Regional Planner  |  Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program
2870 Cranberry Highway, East Wareham, MA  02538
(V) 508-291-3625 ext 13  |  (F) 508-291-3628  |  Sarah.Williams at state.ma.us

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