[SEMCO] Teacher-Scientist collaboration workshop, WHOI, Oct 22

Kama Thieler kthieler at whoi.edu
Mon Sep 14 13:05:26 EDT 2015

Registration open for the first /There’s a Scientist in my 
Classroom!/ in Woods Hole.

_Where/When_: The workshop will take place on *October 22, 2015 (10 AM- 
2 PM) *at *Clark Lab *on the Quisset campus of *Woods Hole Oceanographic 

What_: Following the format of previous meetings at MIT in Cambridge, 
MA, this workshop will provide a space for K-12 teachers from the 
Falmouth (and surrounding) area to meet graduate students and scientists 
from the Woods Hole Consortium and discuss opportunities for 
collaboration in the classroom.

The *goals *of the workshop are:

1. to create partnerships between Falmouth-area teachers and scientists 
from Woods Hole

2. to provide an opportunity for teachers to enrich their science 
classes through visits by scientists from Woods Hole

3. to offer a chance for scientists to enhance their skills in 
communication through outreach to classrooms in the Falmouth area

The *agenda* will include:

1. group discussions

2. small presentations on effective classroom visits, teacher-scientist 
partnerships, and tailoring outreach to Massachusetts state science 

3. time for networking and lunch (provided)

*/Register here by /*/*11:59PM September 23^rd *//: /


_Contact_: Megan May (mmay at whoi.edu <mailto:mmay at whoi.edu>)

Sarah Rosengard (srosengard at whoi.edu <mailto:srosengard at whoi.edu>)

_Sponsors_: WHOI Student Organization and the Broader Impacts Group 

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