[SEMCO] News from Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
stellwagen at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 25 15:11:42 EDT 2015
In This Issue:
August 2015 Stellwagen Bank E-Notes Newsletter Released
Sanctuary Seeks Advisory Council Applicants
Yellow-Nosed Albatross Spotted in Sanctuary
Advisory Council Meeting Scheduled for October 7
Sanctuary Begins On-the-Water Boater Education Program
Stellwagen Bank NMS [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix8ZiaAuSwpBqB3FD7nN44E83c-Wbldn5NSILiRrauTmE-ZTSNL89tYKAwBeBL43gMjWeroktKxTKaz7q_dVrKWi8rNq4JagXPYg7g_4M5bmsOfSMBSjqCUTIQ_FCr0H1gQ==&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
Stellwagen Bank E-Notes [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQ1zQ26j6KqUaqIejRdbTIGUt-4qM5nX0anY3TWRkJ2ry51vDLMPCajPI9ceJJTmMeDoSr-rdFjGt7fu8nkC5lbQUfpecib1rmFG-n8g-yjZJrk1JToMS598sIKWjrbmzsU9oqCedTvrpmBuHXohvlu3asfc1rbPzf&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
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Photo Credits
(Top, left to right) Doug Costa;
Ari Friedlaender (under NOAA Fisheries Permit); NURTEC-UConn; NOAA/SBNMS/Applied
Signal Technology; Anne Smrcina.
Map: Michael Thompson, SBNMS
August 25, 2015
Stellwagen Sounding Lines
Updates from New England's Marine Sanctuary
Welcome to Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary's e-mail notice board Stellwagen
Sounding Lines, These postings will keep you apprised of the latest happenings in
and about this special ocean place. Please forward this on to your friends and associates
who may also have an interest in New England's only national marine sanctuary. Editor
[mailto:stellwagen at noaa.gov]
Latest issue of [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQ1zQ26j6KqUaqIejRdbTIGUt-4qM5nX0anY3TWRkJ2ry51vDLMPCajPI9ceJJTmMeDoSr-rdFjGt7fu8nkC5lbQUfpecib1rmFG-n8g-yjZJrk1JToMS598sIKWjrbmzsU9oqCedTvrpmBuHXohvlu3asfc1rbPzf&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
Stellwagen Bank E-Notes released [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQ1zQ26j6KqUaqIejRdbTIGUt-4qM5nX0anY3TWRkJ2ry51vDLMPCajPI9ceJJTmMeDoSr-rdFjGt7fu8nkC5lbQUfpecib1rmFG-n8g-yjZJrk1JToMS598sIKWjrbmzsU9oqCedTvrpmBuHXohvlu3asfc1rbPzf&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
Read about the case of the whale disentanglement that involved a second threat --
a white shark. Find out how researchers used "hexacopters" to study humpback whales
in the sanctuary. View the list of more than 100 humpback whales that have visited
the sanctuary so far this summer. These stories and more can be found in the August
2015 issue of Stellwagen Bank E-Notes [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQ1zQ26j6KqUaqIejRdbTIGUt-4qM5nX0anY3TWRkJ2ry51vDLMPCajPI9ceJJTmMeDoSr-rdFjGt7fu8nkC5lbQUfpecib1rmFG-n8g-yjZJrk1JToMS598sIKWjrbmzsU9oqCedTvrpmBuHXohvlu3asfc1rbPzf&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
-- now posted on the sanctuary website. To get immediate email notices of
the release of new issues of E-Notes, contact us at stellwagen at noaa.gov [mailto:stellwagen at noaa.gov]
with a request to be added to the mailing list.
Stellwagen Bank sanctuary seeks Advisory Council applicants
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is seeking applicants for seven primary
and seven alternate seats on
its advisory council. The council ensures public participation in sanctuary management
and provides advice to the sanctuary superintendent. The deadline for applications
is September 30. The notice of the recruitment appeared in the online Federal Register
-- http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-08-25/pdf/2015-20858.pdf [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQcYlSJTJS0hzd7x-kuvc18OvyhVg5aj5ME5N5IWBrYb6u6VrsN6qBM-SrXVsNJ2HMxskqEdE07_vCqNI952MIuC4vdFdn90YcGcnfLnKUWqW9WglTDAKLFgybHJe00N4Ti_potos32XidOtBb0V2UqOIrysfa094k5vAuB8LdwZs=&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==].
The sanctuary is accepting applications for the following seats: at-large (primary);
business/industry (primary); diving (primary); diving (alternate); education (two
primary); fixed gear commercial fishing (primary); fixed gear commercial fishing
(alternate); mobile gear commercial fishing (alternate); recreational fishing (alternate);
research (two alternates); whale watch (primary); and youth (alternate).
To receive an application kit or for further information, contact Elizabeth Stokes
at elizabeth.stokes at noaa.gov [mailto:elizabeth.stokes at noaa.gov] or phone 781-545-8026
ext. 201. Send mail to 175 Edward Foster Road, Scituate, MA 02066. Application kits
can also be downloaded from the sanctuary's website at
http://stellwagen.noaa.gov/management/sac/documents.html. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix4awyNJI1oRQ4khdiadPPGVWLvPieOCrxwlxhNjzafpl783sEGeQ-Lj64rDgXV2GX5sul2Vaj1ceqTbC1EI3htkei5X3z306D5i85RsGDcnhWa6h4GEMGx_B4W56baW4ryXHjXACfAddQxsoJdenTo4InkC_OtrOlFg1owHCD74c&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
Yellow-nosed albatross visits sanctuary
It was first identified (but, unfortunately undocumented) by Stellwagen Sanctuary
Seabird Stewards during a regularly scheduled seabird survey from a whale watch
vessel in late July. Word spread quickly in the birding community about the occurrence
of this rare nearshore sighting -- a yellow-nosed albatross. Known to patrol more
offshore and southern waters, this bird resembles the more commonly seen northern
gannet, although it has a stockier body and a distinct yellow stripe down its beak.
In early August, a Canadian visitor was able to photograph this dramatic seabird,
labeling it "a magical encounter." François Grenon reported that a 1pm whale watch
trip on August 10 from Provincetown took him to the southwest corner of Stellwagen
Bank where the bird flew a big figure 8 with two close passes to the boat before
disappearing from view. François was able to take a series of photographs, of which
one appears above.
Sanctuary Advisory Council meeting scheduled for October 7
The 45th Sanctuary Advisory Council meeting will be held on October 7, from 9:30
A.M. to 3:00 P.M., at the Plymouth Yacht Club in Plymouth, Mass. Information will
be posted on the sanctuary website in September.
Sanctuary begins on-the-water boater education program
On August 15 the sanctuary initiated a new on-the-water boater education program
to acquaint vessel operators with local whale watching guidelines and general sanctuary
information. Using the Research Vessel Auk and a RHIB (rigid hulled inflatable boat),
sanctuary staff engaged in conversations with these weekend boaters. The program
grew out of concern from the commercial whale watch fleet and sanctuary observers
that private boaters may not be aware of proper boat handling techniques around
whales. Sanctuary staff will continue these patrols throughout the rest of the boating
and whale watching season.
Photo: Three recreational boats view a humpback whale in the sanctuary. Whale watch
guidelines recommend an approach distance of not closer than 100 feet unless the
whale swims towards the vessel. Sanctuary staff provided information about proper
boat handling around whales to these vessels. Intentionally approaching and disturbing
whales is illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and may be prosecuted under
that law or the Endangered Species Act (for endangered species, including humpback
whales). Credit: Anne Smrcina, SBNMS.
Thank you for your interest in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. We appreciate
your feedback on this posting and other sanctuary materials and programs. Stellwagen
Sounding Lines was made possible by funding from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
Anne Smrcina
Education and Outreach Coordinator/Sounding Lines Editor
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Please add our name (stellwagen at noaa.gov) to your email address book to ensure timely
and expedient delivery of this publication.
http://stellwagen.noaa.gov [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G5kZj9EA89SXNONP-SpqImSY8c5eCAQ_7PpyyzY1j46h0SMYGYXix8ZiaAuSwpBqB3FD7nN44E83c-Wbldn5NSILiRrauTmE-ZTSNL89tYKAwBeBL43gMjWeroktKxTKaz7q_dVrKWi8rNq4JagXPYg7g_4M5bmsOfSMBSjqCUTIQ_FCr0H1gQ==&c=whBAc6LC7IozXNbiIGc8hStiQELiPkWXytyGJ-G5GOJRi8oorLWDDA==&ch=Qsqbc2j56OVwkCM5PBbym3aIn7-bsJhx-Ou4z8ciJ4W1IOR6Lq6m_g==]
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National Marine Sanctuary Foundation-Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary | 175 Edward Foster Road | Scituate | MA | 02066
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