[SEMCO] CCMNH / Barnstable 4-H Coastal Explorer Van

Teresa Izzo tizzo at ccmnh.org
Tue Jun 17 13:30:12 EDT 2014


The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster
   The Barnstable 4-H COASTAL EXPLORER VAN
July 10, August 8 & August 13, 2014
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Media Contact: Teresa Izzo 508-896-3867, ext. 137 or tizzo at ccmnh.org

  This extraordinary 31-foot custom-built motor coach, complete with 
state-of-the-art equipment and displays, provides visitors with a 
unique opportunity to learn about Cape Cod's coastal environment. The 
vehicle is handicapped-accessible. On board you will find:
    * saltwater aquariums with live animals
    * computer and interactive games
    * TV/VCR for viewing marine life videos
    * microscopes to view marine life
    *  blue shark and dolphin models displaying both external and 
internal anatomy
    *   hands-on exhibit
Thursday, July 10; Friday, August 8; & Wednesday, August 13

Free with Museum Admission



Teresa Izzo
Program Coordinator
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
869 Main St./Rte. 6A
Brewster, MA 02631
508-896-3867 x137
508-896-8844 - fax 
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