Blossom Hoag blossomhoag at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 12:52:58 EST 2014


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Blossom Hoag
blossomhoag at gmail.com
Colbert had a good sequel in an interview of Tom Friedman.  Colbert  cited the inevitable glacier melting to say that we may as well give up and stop trying.  Friedman said (based on his new series Years of Living Dangerously (On Showtime)} that the answer is:  "Manage the unavoidable and avoid the unmanageable."  That is a good catchy motto.
Blossom Hoag                   	  303 Linden Ponds Way, ET 301                        Hingham, MA  02043
Home:  781 740 2848                                Cell:  617 650 6171                        blossomhoag at gmail.com   
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."       - Navajo Proverb

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