[SEMCO] [Mass Audubon] Getting to Know Birds with WildCare's Stephanie Ellis

Amy Fleischer afleischer at massaudubon.org
Thu Sep 12 15:45:52 EDT 2013

Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary presents

Getting to Know Birds, part II
Co-sponsored by WildCare, Inc.
Stephanie Ellis, executive director of WildCare, Inc., will open up the world of birds for us in a series of three illustrated lectures.

The Mechanics of Flight
Almost every aspect of a bird's anatomy has evolved in a way that enhances its ability to fly. Learn how feathers evolved, how a bird skeleton is adapted to life in the sky, and how birds use their environment to sustain their flight.
Friday, September 20, 2-3:30 pm
$7 M/$9 NM

Seabird Rehabilitation on Cape Cod
Stephanie and her staff rehabilitate hundreds of injured, stranded, and sick seabirds every fall and winter. Yet, seabirds are one of the most challenging birds to care for in captivity. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the care required to get these birds ready for their reintroduction to the wild, and hear stories of the challenges and successes encountered along the way.
Friday, September 27, 2-3:30 pm
$7 M/$9 NM

Avian Winter Adaptations
Brrr. It's cold out there, unless you are a bird! How do gulls keep their legs from freezing while they are sitting in frigid water? How do the cardinals at your birdfeeder stay warm enough to survive the winter? In this fun, informative talk, learn about the special adaptations that allow birds to spend their lives in cold climates.
Friday, October 4, 2-3:30 pm
$7 M/$9 NM

And don't miss your chance to bird Martha's Vineyard with us this fall:

Fall Multi-Day Getaway: Martha's Vineyard Birding

Poke into backwaters, isolated farms and fields, remote stretches of beach, and quiet woodlands searching for fall migrants like songbirds, shorebirds, and birds of prey. In addition to enjoying the island's rich bird life and botany, we will also learn about the region's interesting human history. Staff naturalist Dennis Murley will lead explorations by van and by foot. Accommodations and transportation are provided. Meals are not included.

Monday, September 30-Wednesday, October 2
$570 M/$635 NM

You may register by calling us at 508.349.2615, or by signing up online at www.massaudubon.org/wellfleetbay<http://www.massaudubon.org/wellfleetbay>
Our early fall program brochure can be found here: http://www.massaudubon.org/PDF/newsletters/Wellfleet_Bay_295.pdf

We hope to see you at the sanctuary soon!

Best wishes,

Amy Fleischer, Education Director/ Public Programs Coordinator
Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
PO Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663
afleischer at massaudubon.org
508-349-2615, ext 114
Fall/ Winter/ Spring Office Schedule: Tuesday - Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Protecting the Nature of Massachusetts

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