[SEMCO] Butterfly Counts

Alison Robb nature at cape.com
Tue Jun 18 08:55:30 EDT 2013

	We are hoping that you will volunteer to count butterflies

			on one or more of the counts!!

				Please plan to join us.


TRURO. July 13, 2013, Saturday, (July 15, Monday, rain date) . 9:00  
am. Truro.

Tor Hansen, leader, 508-648-1515, Alison Robb, co-leader,  
508-564-4331, nature at cape.com

Please register ahead of time if possible.  But come if you can anyway.

Directions: North Truro. Rte 6, Highland Light exit. Go east on  
Highland Rd. Meet at the first parking lot for Highland Light.

FALMOUTH. July 20, Saturday, 2013, (Monday July 22, rain date.) 10:00  
am. Falmouth.

Alison Robb, leader. 508-564-4331. nature at cape.com. Tor Hansen, co- 
leader. 508-648-1515.

Please register ahead of time if possible.

Directions Crane WMA, Rte. 151, Falmouth. Turn north between the  
baseball field and the Nickelodeon theater. Go to the farthest  
parking area.

BREWSTER. July 27, 2013, Saturday, (July 28, Sunday, rain date). 9:00  
am. Brewster for the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History.

Joe Dwelly, leader; Alison Robb, co-leader; Please register with  
Alison Robb, 508-564-4331 or nature at cape.com.

Joe Dwelly: 508-398-5967;  jdwelly at gis.net  Directions: Take Exit 9B  
off Rte 6 and follow Rte 134 North to Rte 6A, then turn east and  
follow 6A to The Museum, on the left at # 869 Rte. 6A, Brewster.

BARNSTABLE. July 27, 2013, Saturday, for the MassAudubon Long Pasture  
Wildlife Sanctuary.

Ian Ives, leader; . Please register if possible. iives at audubon.org

Directions: From Rte. 6, Cape Cod, take exit 7 north toward Yarmouth  
Port, going one mile north on Willow Street, Go left 1 mile west on  
6A, and right on Bone Hill Rd. Go 1/3 mile north on Bone Hill Rd  
(until you can see the ocean) then take your next left to the Audubon  
Long Pasture headquarters.

$3. for participants,  goes to the North American Butterfly  
Association to help support the recording of the counts and their  
archives.    Bring lunch,  close focus binoculars if you can, and  
plan to stay with us until 3 or 4 pm if you can.  Long pants and  
socks keep poison ivy away if we see any.

Summer  "4th of July"  Butterfly Counts for the North American  
Butterfly Association

      Since 1975 this annual butterfly count has been held in the  
U.S., and now in Canada and Mexico as well.  Each count area is a  
circle 15 miles in diameter and the count is a one-day census of all  
butterflies observed within that circle.  The count promotes interest  
in butterflies, and provides results useful to scientists who are  
monitoring butterfly populations and habitats.  An official report is  
available in the Spring of the following year.

  The Falmouth count is in its fifteenth year (2013).  The count  
circle reaches from Woods Hole through some of the conservation lands  
in the Massachusetts Military Reservation, including all of Falmouth  
and parts of Bourne, Sandwich and Mashpee.

  The 2000 count, led by Alison Robb, included fourteen counters who  
tallied 349 individual butterflies of 30 species.  This year we hope  
more volunteers will join us.  The sites we will visit are the same  
sites we visited in past years, so that a comparison can be made.  In  
2000 we had had too much rain in June, which decreased the number of  
surviving  butterflies.  In 2001 we had a drought for a few weeks in  
May, which may have decreased the numbers again.  There are many  
reasons for population changes; weather, insecticide use, and habitat  
decrease or increase.  Building your own butterfly garden will always  
help.  Any help we can get from volunteer butterfliers will be useful  
for the North American count and for everyone wanting to know more  
about the 76 species of butterflies on the Cape.  We look forward to  
seeing you on one of the above dates.

For more information:     see  www.naba.org  or nature at cape.com

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