[SEMCO] Green Eggs & Sand Workshop: June 1-3

Amy Fleischer afleischer at massaudubon.org
Fri Apr 20 16:02:33 EDT 2012



Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary invites middle and high
school teachers to join us for: 


Green Eggs & Sand

A Middle and High School Teacher Workshop on Horseshoe Crab Ecology

June 1 - 3, 2012

Looking to infuse a globally-significant ecological phenomenon and
current real-world resource management controversy into your classroom?
Interested in meeting and learning firsthand from a select and diverse
group of experts and stakeholders offering a wealth of knowledge and
experience with the issues?   

Take part in an intensive, full-weekend, not-to-be-missed,
field-enriched workshop during the peak horseshoe crab spawning and
shorebird-viewing time on Wellfleet Bay in June. Take home the
award-winning, national-standards-keyed, M.S./H.S. targeted,
video-and-activity-rich, Green Eggs & Sand curriculum.


Workshop Details

Where: Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on Cape Cod, MA

When: Friday, June 1 (starting at 6 p.m.) through Sunday, June 3 (ending
at noon), 2012

Questions: Amy Fleischer, 508.349.2615, ext. 114, 
afleischer at massaudubon.org

Registration: Betsy Ryder, 508.349.2615, ext. 115, 
bryder at massaudubon.org

Workshop Fee: $100, includes all lectures, activities, curriculum
materials, and meals 

(Friday dinner, 3 meals on Saturday, and Sunday breakfast)

Lodging (optional): A block of rooms has been reserved at the Wellfleet

(directly across the street from the sanctuary) for an additional fee


Registration Deadline: May 1, 2012



The Green Eggs & Sand workshop explores the Green Eggs & Sand curriculum
modules and provides demonstrations of the rich assortment of hands-on
activities it offers. Throughout the workshop, you'll hear from expert
presenters on horseshoe crabs (HSCs), shorebirds, biomedical use of
HSCs, and HSC management. We'll visit the sanctuary beach at high tide
to observe horseshoe crab spawning and shorebird feeding, and have the
opportunity to help biologists tag horseshoe crabs.  Before and after
the formal workshop sessions, you'll have an opportunity to explore
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, a 1,100 acre preserve with 5 miles of
trails that traverse pine woods, salt marsh, coastal heathland,
freshwater ponds, tidal creeks, and sandy beaches.


Please call 508.349.2615 to reserve your space or complete and return
the attached form. We encourage you to share this information with your
colleagues and professional networks, and have attached a flyer for this


Visit www.massaudubon.org/wellfleetbay for more information. Our May/
June program brochure is available at: 


Thank you!



Amy Fleischer, Education Director/ Public Programs Coordinator 

Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

PO Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663

afleischer at massaudubon.org

508-349-2615, ext 114 

Office Schedule: Tuesday - Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Protecting the Nature of Massachusetts 


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