[SEMCO] workshop for educators, final announcement

Kate Madin kmadin at whoi.edu
Fri Jul 22 09:26:42 EDT 2011

Hello all,

There's still room in this teachers' professional development workshop 
focusing on biology and technology,
sponsored by Woods Hole Sea Grant and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Monday, July 25, 2011, 9:30am-3pm, at the Quissett Campus, Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

"HabCam: using advanced imaging technology to study New England seafloor 

  Presenters: Scott Gallager and Amber York, of the Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution Biology Dept, and Karen Bolles of Arnie's 
Fisheries, New Bedford, MA

- See the /_HabCam (habitat camera)_/ and computer technology that 
scientists are using to study the New England coastal ocean floor ecosystem

- Find out how citizens and classrooms can participate in an exciting 
scientific image analysis project, and how to use it with your class.

- Participants will tour the lab, have hands-on individual instruction 
in image analysis, and learn about the region's biodiversity and 
invasive species

Registration: $50, breakfast and lunch included. Please include your 
contact information so we can send you directions.

Checks payable to WHOI (no purchase orders.) Participants may bring 
checks on 7/25.

Contact: Kathy Patterson, kpatterson at whoi.edu 
<mailto:kpatterson at whoi.edu>, 508-289-2700, or Kate Madin, 
kmadin at whoi.edu <mailto:kmadin at whoi.edu>, 508-289-3639

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